Islamic Relief Worldwide since 1984
Dedicated to alleviating the poverty and suffering of the world's poorest people.
1919.W Magnolia Blvd.,Burbank,CA,91506 Tel:1888-479-4968 E.Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Update # 5

As the temperature drops from cold to freezing, the plight of the Chechens worsens

Current Situation

As usual in war, ordinary people are suffering. As the temperature drops from cold to freezing, the plight of the Chechens will worsen. Over 180,000 people have now fled into neighbouring Ingushetia, 45,000 into Daghestan and over 100,000 displaced within Chechnya.

Many refugees are living squalidly in tents and railway wagons.

Inside Chechnya, things are far from worse. Grozny’s wounded civilians are said to be receiving only the scantiest treatment. Dr Hany El-Banna (managing director of Islamic Relief) reported that over 150 civilians were killed in a market place in Grozny. 500 people were injured and went to neighbouring hospitals, some died on the way, and others died waiting to see a doctor. Once individuals arrived at the hospitals there was no medicine, no electricity, no gas and water.

He reported that "The situation is very bad, camps have been set up but there is a lack of basic humanitarian aid, if this continues these refugees will not be able to survive the forthcoming winter".

In a separate incident a convoy of civilians was struck on Friday, October 29th, killing 25 and injuring 70. "Hospitals are overflowing with civilian casualties".

Chechen president Aslan Maskhadov said "Innocent people, women, children and the elderly are dying, "Grozny has been transformed into ruins."


What can we do to help…?

  1. Remember the Chechens in our prayers.
  2. Media coverage is limited, so please spread the word.
  3. Organise fundraising drives in your communities to help.




We are urgently appealing for funds to help the victims.

                  Please show your support by sending your donations immediately.                               

Please send your donations today to:Islamic Relief/ Chechnya Appeal

PO Box 6098,Burbank, CA, 91510

Tel:1.888.479.4968 email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Tax ID #95-4453134

All Major credit cards accepted. Please make checks payable to Islamic Relief.

Update: 11-02-99


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