Newest statement from Ameer-ul-Mukmineen of
Afghanistan, Mullah Mohammad Omar

The Statement of the Commander of The Faithful
Mullah Muhammed 'Umar (may Allah preserve him)
Regarding Recent Events 
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the

Praise be to Allah, the One who said: 'Go forth,
light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your
wealth and your lives in the way of Allah! That
is best for you if you but knew,' and 'Oh you who
believe! what is the matter with you, that, when
you are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah,
you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the
life of this world to the Hereafter? But little
is the comfort of this life, as compared with the
Hereafter. Unless you go forth, He will punish
you with a grievous penalty, and put others in
your place; but Him you would not harm in the
least. For Allah hath power over all things.'

And may He shower His peace and blessings upon
His Prophet, the Imaam of the Mujahideen and
Commander of the Horsemen, our Prophet Muhammed,
who said: "I have been sent in the final hours
with the sword so that none is worshipped but
Allah Alone with no partner, and my provision has
been provided under the shades of my sword, and
humiliation and belittlement is on whoever
opposes my order, and who ever imitates a people
is one of them." - (Abu Dawood and Ahmad).

To proceed:

And so oh great ummah (nation) of Islaam, oh
'best of nations risen up for mankind, you
command good, and forbid evil and you believe in

Oh Muslims in the East and West…

Oh you who believe in Allah as Lord, and Islaam
as way of life, and Muhammed (s) as Prophet and

Oh Muslims everywhere:

Undoubtedly you are closely watching with all
interest and empathy the crusade which is being
led by the United States of America, with full
support of Britain and the European Christian
states, and NATO and Russia, and the ex-Communist
states and whoever agrees with them from the
people of the creed of disbelief, and the
apostates and the cowards amongst the Muslims -
they are gathering their armies and campaigning
as one party against the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan, aiming to fulfill one thing, which
they themselves have announced: the termination
and destruction of the Islamic Government of
Afghanistan; and end what they call: 'bases of

And undoubtedly you understand that which calls
these people to do their crusade attacks is
hidden deep (in their hearts) as Allah (swt)
informed us in His noble book: 'Nor will they
cease fighting you until they turn you back from
your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn
back from their faith and die in unbelief, their
works will bear no fruit in this life and in the
Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire
and will abide therein' - they want to destroy
this Islaamic state, because it is Islaamic, or
for what reason, and under what law or practice
is it permissible to punish a suspected
individual, for mere suspecting - let alone
attack and punish a whole nation because of that

What the heavenly laws (i.e. Allah's laws) and
even the man-made laws of earth have agreed upon
is that an individual is innocent until proven
guilty…. but they fight us because we have
established a unique Islamic system, and this in
reality is worse for them then the attack upon
New York and Washington.

Oh Muslims of the World:

The question now is no longer if the attacks on
America were correct or not, for what happened,
happened; supports it the one who supports it,
and opposes it the one who opposes it. 

The question now is: what is the obligation of
the Muslim ummah towards this new crusade against

What is the ruling on the one who allies with the
crusaders and stands by their side in any manner?
That which this ummah has agreed upon, and that
which the a'imah (the scholars) have agreed upon
is that in this condition in which we are in
today, jihad against the invaders becomes fard
'ayn (a personal obligation) upon every Muslim,
no permission is sought for a son from his
father, nor slave from his owner, nor husband
from his wife (and vice-versa), and there is no
difference amongst the scholars regarding this.

This is the ruling on jihad against the invaders
and the obligation of the Muslims towards it.

As for the ruling upon the supporters of the
crusaders, then Allah, the Most High has outlined
it already. Allah, the Most High, says in His
final revelation: 'O you who believe! Do not take
the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are
friends of one another. And whoever of you takes
them for friends is (one) of them. Surely Allah
does not guide wrongdoing people.'

Allah, may He be glorified, outlines in this
passage three matters:

1. The forbiddance of allying with the Jews and
Christians and supporting them.
2. That whoever supports them, and helps them
then the ruling upon him, is the same as the
ruling upon them. And;
3. That supporting them is from the character and
signs of the hypocrites.

And He, may He be glorified has shown how allying
and supporting the disbelievers nullifies imaan
(belief) in Allah and His Messenger, when He
said: 'You see many of them supporting those who
have disbelieved. What an evil thing they have
brought unto themselves, if Allah casts His anger
on them, and they are cast into hell-fire
forever. And had they believed in Allah, and His
Messenger and what revealed upon him, they
wouldn't have supported them.'

And from these passages and others the scholars
have ruled that supporting the disbelievers
against the Muslims is a nullifier from the
nullifiers of Islaam and that the ruler upon the
doer is apostasy, and expulsion from this millah

Oh noble scholars of Islaam, and callers to Allah

Your priority is complying with these truths and
not fearing the blame of the blamers, and this is
part of the covenant of Allah with the people of
knowledge: 'And remember Allah took a covenant
from the People of the Book, to make it known and
clear to mankind, and not to hide it.' So they
clarify the matters of this religion to the
people, and they arouse them on jihad, 'Oh
Messenger arouse the believers on fighting.'

And oh businessmen:

Your priority is to donate and give in the path
of Allah, Most High, who said: 'Verily Allah has
purchased from the believers their wealth and
their bodies in exchange for paradise.' And, 'The
parable of those who spend their property in the
way of Allah is as the parable of a grain growing
seven ears (with) a hundred grains in every ear;
and Allah multiplies for whom He pleases; and
Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.'

And oh Muslim youth: 

Your priority is jihad and preparation, and
preparing that steel for fire, as Allah says:
'then slay the idolaters wherever you find them,
and take them captives and besiege them and lie
in wait for them in every ambush'.

And oh Muslims everywhere:

The Prophet (s) said: 'There will not cease to be
a group from my ummah dominant upon the truth
(and in another narration: fighting upon the
truth). Those who abandon them will not be able
to harm them until the Decree of Allah comes'
(Saheeh Muslim).

So this hadeeth categorized people into three

1. at-Taa'ifah al-Mansoorah (the Victorious
Party): and they are the people of Islaam, who
fight upon it.
2. at-Taa'ifah al-Mukhaalifah (the Opposing
Party): and they are the Jews, Christians and the
people of disbelief, the apostates and the
cowards from amongst the Muslims.
3. at-Taa'ifah al-Mukhthilah (the Cowardly
Party): and they were the ones who refused to
support the Muslim group and decorated that
nicely for the people.

And there is no other group; so let every Muslim
look to see in which group he fits.

And in this hadeeth we also understand that their
opposition from the disbelievers and people
claiming to be Muslims will not harm them. 

And we are certain of Allah's victory, which He
promised in the Qur'an, on the tongue of the
Prophet (s), but this victory is on the condition
that we give victory to the religion of Allah and
having sincerity in doing so. Allah, Most High
says: 'Verily Allah will assist those who assist
Him, verily Allah is Most-Powerful,
Most-Honourable' and He said: 'If you assist
Allah, Allah will assist you and make you firm'.
And when Allah gives victory to us, neither
America, nor its allies or helpers will be able
to stand to face us, Allah says: 'If Allah
assists you, then there is none to defeat you'.

America and its partners, no matter how much
power they have, none of that equates with
anything from the power of the Most Powerful, the
Most Strong; for Allah says: 'And let not those
who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip
(Allah's Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape. And
prepare against them what force you can and
horses tied at the frontier' And He, the Most
High says: 'So fight you against the friends of
Satan; ever feeble indeed is the plot of Satan'.

The soldiers of America, their numbers and
preparation does not frighten us, because we are
from the soldiers of Allah, who said: 'And to
Allah are the soldiers of the Heavens and the
Earth, and Allah is All-Wise, All-Honored.'

And the economic strength of America does not
astound or stun us, for Allah, the Most High
says: 'And for Allah are the treasures of the
Heavens and the Earth, but the hypocrites fail to

And its defense measures do not astonish us, for
Allah has said: 'Those who disbelieve give to
distract from the path of Allah, so they will
donate and then regret, and be defeated'. 

And the advanced military systems of America do
not threaten us at all, for Allah, may He be
glorified says: 'while they deemed that their
fortresses would defend them against Allah; but
Allah came to them whence they did not expect,
and cast terror into their hearts; they
demolished their houses with their own hands and
the hands of the believers; therefore take a
lesson, O you who have eyes!' and 'And those who
disbelieved came down from their fortresses and
(Allah) planted fear into their fears, some you
kill, and some you imprison, and you inherited
their lands and homes and wealth, and a land
which you did not step on (from before); and
Allah is capable of doing everything.'

So, oh Muslims:

Be certain of Allah's victory that He promised
us…for Allah does not break His promise.

'And Allah will assist those who assist Him,
verily Allah is All-Power, All-Honoured. And we
settled them in the land; establish the prayers,
and give zakah (alms), and command good and
forbid evil; and unto Allah is the ending of

Wassalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullah

The Servant of Islaam and the Muslims
Commander of the Faithful
Mullah Muhammed 'Umar (Mujahid)
16/7/1422 AH.

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