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Farewell Message from Azzam Publications 


"Do you really think that you will enter Paradise
without such trials as came to those who passed away
before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty
and ailments and were so shaken that even the
Messenger and those who believed along with him said,
'When will come the Help of Allah?' Yes, certainly the
Help of Allah is near!" [Quran 2:214] 

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind

Most of Afghanistan has been recaptured from the
Taliban, thousands of Afghan Muslim civilians have
been killed, cities have fallen and lives have been
lost. Elsewhere, thousands of Muslims have been
arrested and detained in America, where they are
beaten (by both the prison guards and other
prisoners), tortured, humiliated and denied access to
lawyers and their families. Muslim homes are being
raided and Muslims being detained across Europe.
Muslim web-sites, businesses and banks are being
closed. In the midst of all this, Western leaders are
at pains to explain that this is not a war against
Islam and that the West loves Muslims. Scenes of the
bodies of both the Taliban and the Foreign Mujahideen
lying on the streets have been broadcast around the
World much to the delight of the disbelievers and
their hypocrite allies from amongst the 'Muslims'
(e.g. some 'official' American and British 'Muslim'
Councils, etc.) 

"If a good befalls you, it grieves them, but if some
evil overtakes you, they rejoice at it. But if you
remain patient and fear Allah, not the least harm will
their plans do to you. Surely, Allah surrounds all
that they do." [Quran 3:120] 

Amidst all this, the Muslims are asking many
questions. Is it really a war against Islam? Why did
the Taliban withdraw from all these provinces? Is the
Northern Alliance going to uphold Allah's Word on the
Earth? Were the Taliban moderates or extremists? Are
the Taliban finished? Are the Mujahideen finished? Has
the West triumphed over Islam? Is it all over? 

These are not the questions that Muslims should be
asking, but rather, they should be asking themselves:
Whose side am I on? Am I a 'moderate' or an
'extremist'? Was the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) a
'moderate' or an 'extremist'? What am I going to do
about the situation? Am I going to sit at home and
weep? Or go to the mosque and make dua? As for the
Mujahideen whose bodies were shown on televisions
across the World, they have nothing to worry about
insha-Allah. They said they were going to fight to the
last drop of their blood and they have remained true
to their word, whilst others are waiting to follow in
their footsteps: 

"Among the believers are men who have been true to
their covenant with Allah (i.e. they have gone out for
Jihad whilst not showing their backs to the
disbelievers), of them some have fulfilled their
obligations (been martyred in Allah's Way) and some of
them are still waiting, but they have never changed in
their determination in the least." [Quran 33:23] 

We have written these few words in expectation of our
site being closed yet again. Therefore, we advise all
the Muslims to save a copy of this page and ponder
about what it says lest our site is closed and we are
not able to say it again. We also advise the Muslims
to copy, translate into other languages if necessary
and distribute this message all over the Internet. For
clarity of expression, we have listed the important
points we wish to make. 

1. This war is, in Bush's own words, a crusade. It is
not a war against terrorism, but it is a war of Kufr
(disbelief) against Islam. Any Muslim who disagrees
with this has been defeated by the Western ideological
warfare. The Muslims should not be naive and immature:
they should know their enemies. 

2. The history of this conflict does not go back to 11
September 2001. Nor does it go back to the bombing of
a few embassies and ships. Rather, it goes back
centuries from the time when the Jewish tribes
gathered against the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and the
Christians launched the Crusades against the Muslims
in the 12th Century of the Christian Era. Therefore,
it is not a case of 'let's all join hands: Muslims,
Christians and Jews and wipe out terrorism', but it is
part of a deeper plot to try and destroy Islam in the
World. Why did the British invade Afghanistan in 1842,
when there was neither an Usama bin Ladin nor the

3. The American Government is an enemy to Islam and
the Muslims, despite all the sympathetic statements
given by Bush when he meets Muslim leaders and
organisations in America. The American Foreign Policy
regarding Iraq, Palestine, Bosnia, Kashmir, etc. is
proof of this. The illegal imprisonment, torture and
humiliation of thousands of Muslims in America at this
very moment is also proof of this. Those Muslims who
think otherwise are kidding themselves. 

4. We condemn those apologetic and defeatist Muslims
in the West who are making apologetic statements
siding with the West and not believing or supporting
their own brothers. By these Muslims, we specifically
mean the likes of the American Muslim Council and
'Sheikh' Hamza Yusuf, who have openly taken sides with
the American Government, without shame; as well as the
Muslim Council of Britain to a lesser degree. These
'official' organisations do not represent the Muslim
Ummah as they are manned by individuals completely out
of touch with the reality of the affairs of the
Muslims. These, who have never expended a drop of
sweat or blood in Jihad for the sake of Allah like the
Prophet (SAWS), his Companions and the early
generations of pious Muslims, preferring instead to
attend 'official' dinners and gatherings standing by
the sides of Presidents and Prime Ministers whose
hands are still dripping with the blood of Muslims,
nodding their heads when these leaders speak. Like
Bush said himself, you are either with the
disbelievers (us) or the terrorists (Muslims).
Therefore, those Muslims who are condemning the
Taliban etc. have already taken sides and that is the
side of Zionist-controlled America. 

5. We believe the word of Usama bin Ladin and the
Taliban, as Muslims, when they say that they had
nothing to do with this terrorist act, over and above
the word of a lying disbeliever like Bush. If they did
it, they would proudly say so because they are not
afraid of the reprisals from anyone. 

6. America was going to attack Afghanistan by
mid-October anyway, according to the recent Berlin
Anti-Terrorism summit. 11 September was an excuse to
speed up the process and give a 'cause' for the
crusade. The intentions behind this 'war against
terrorism' is doubted even by non-Muslims, who do have
good people within their ranks. 

7. The Taliban Government have proved their Islamic
legitimacy to the whole Muslim Ummah. Now, there are
two sides: whoever is not on the side of the Taliban
is a hypocrite. The Muslims all over the World must
render as much financial, physical, medical, media and
moral support to the Taliban as they can. If this
means taking a year out from one's university or work,
then this must be done as the situation demands it. In
addition, the Muslims must continue to make dua for
them because it seems like the Muslims have forgotten
their brothers in Afghanistan. The Taliban have
appealed for help from the Muslims but these appeals
have fallen on deaf ears. Did not the Prophet (SAWS)
say that "A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he does
not forsake him and nor does he betray him." If you do
not help your brothers in their time of need, do you
really think that Allah will help in you in your time
of need on the Day of Judgement? 

8. According to the Four Schools of Thought as
detailed in the article on our web-site on defending
Muslim land under attack, once the first hostile
disbeliever has entered Afghanistan and if the
inhabitants of that country are not enough to defend
themselves, defensive Jihad becomes Fard Ain upon
every Muslim in the World without anyone's permission,
whether parents, scholars or teachers. In this case,
we also believe that any Muslims who are able to go
there and do not go there without a valid excuse are
liable to be punished by Allah in the Hereafter.
Examples of valid excuses are disabling injuries or
lack of travel papers. Fear of interrogation or arrest
by the authorities upon one's return is not a valid
excuse, since this is not certain to happen, whereas
the Jihad is a certainty. The texts are clear in this
regard. Those who prevent Muslims from going for Jihad
are similar to those who stop a Muslim from making his
Salah or fasting during Ramadan without valid excuse. 

9. Regarding calls by Western leaders for 'moderate'
Muslims tackling 'extremist' elements within their
ranks, these are merely appeals to divide the Muslims.
What is the 'moderate' Muslim that these leaders refer
to? One that does not pray or fast or wear hijab; one
that agrees with the Israeli occupation of Palestine,
one that thinks cutting off a thief's hand is barbaric
and one that thinks Islam is primitive and backward?
There is no such thing as a 'moderate' or 'liberal'
Muslim. If there was, in what category would be place
the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)? Would we say he is a
moderate, a liberal, an extremist, a fanatic, a
terrorist, a fundamentalist? He certainly would not be
a moderate or liberal since he ordered 600-700 Jewish
males to be beheaded in Madinah after the Jewish tribe
of Banu Qurayzah betrayed the Muslims and stabbed them
in the back. He also fought in 27 battles for the sake
of Allah. Are we now going to call him a terrorist as

9. Any assistance that any Muslim gives to a
disbeliever against the believers, whether financial,
physical, language translation, clerical work,
military, intelligence, or other, makes that Muslim an
apostate, whose inheritance is forbidden for his
children and upon whom the Janaza (Funeral) Prayer
becomes forbidden. Therefore, if any Muslim lends any
assistance to the disbelievers by spying on other
Muslims or testifying against them, even for money, he
does so at the expense of his religion. By refusing to
assist the disbelievers against the Muslims does not
mean that one automatically supports terrorist attacks
against innocent civilians. One can agree or disagree
with any action that takes place in the World but one
cannot go against one's religion and one's people
without him losing his religion. One of the ten things
that make a Muslim into a disbeliever are to "assist
disbelievers against Muslims'. It is not permissible
for a Muslim to betray another Muslim in order to save
himself. The Muslims should contact Muslim lawyers and
attornies within their countries and ask for their
rights concerning the law in speaking to law
enforcement authorities. In most Western countries,
e.g. Britain, one is under NO obligation to speak to
either the intelligence authorities or the police,
either willingly or unwillingly. One does not have to
speak to them if they come to one's house. One can
politely refuse to speak to them and ask them to
leave. Most people speak to them or cooperate with
them because they intimidate and threaten, e.g. by
knocking on people's doors at 5am. Muslims should find
out their legal rights and not be intimidated by this
harassment. Those 'Muslim' organisations that are
telling the Muslims to assist the FBI, etc. with
translation and other efforts, are calling the Muslims
to disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger and we ask
Allah to raise these 'Muslims' up with the likes of
the FBI on the Day of Judgement. 

10. We expect our web-site to be opened and closed
continuously. We also expect our Products ordering
facility to close shortly but this is nothing to worry
about because if that happens, we will put all of our
books online through various sites, discussion boards
and e-mail lists. Therefore, we urgently recommend any
Muslims that are interested in our material to copy
all the articles from our site and disseminate them
through their own web-sites, discussion boards and
e-mail lists. This is something that any Muslim can
participate in, easily, including sisters. This way,
even if our sites are closed down, the material will
live on with the Grace of Allah. We cannot stress the
importance of this: for the Muslims to copy and
distribute all the material on our web-site,
especially the stories in the Jihad Stories section.
Furthermore, to frustrate the disbelievers in their
war against Islam, we advise the Muslims to access our
site via proxies or anonymous services, such as
http://www.safeweb.com or http://www.anonymizer.com
and the likes. 

11. We advise practising Muslims to begin to plan to
leave America and withdraw all their investments and
cash from America. Recent events have shown the true
bigoted nature of the American Government and some
Americans. Thousands of Muslims are still imprisoned
in America, they are being tortured, beaten,
humiliated, their religion is being mocked at and they
are denied basic rights. If anyone does not believe
this, one only has to speak to a lawyer of some of the
detainees. This shows the hypocrisy of leaders such as
President Bush, who, every other day, tries to stress
that this war is not against Islam or the Muslims and
that the Muslims are loved by the American Government.
Unfortunately, this does fool some Muslims especially
when Bush opens fast with them, or attends their
mosque. People will disagree with us calling for the
Muslims to leave America and think about settling in
Muslim countries. Just don't blame us if you end up in
prison with all your assets siezed, and no prospect of
a lawyer or a trial. We have warned you: America is no
longer a safe place for Muslims. 

12. The path to victory is long, arduous, difficult
and full of difficulties and obstacles. One who thinks
that the Muslim Ummah will recover from its decline
without sacrifices, without blood, without fatigue,
without hunger, without imprisonment, without torture,
does not attach any value to this Deen nor understand
the method of all the Messengers, as Allah said in the
Quran which we have quoted above: 

"Do you really think that you will enter Paradise
without such trials as came to those who passed away
before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty
and ailments and were so shaken that even the
Messenger and those who believed along with him said,
'When will come the Help of Allah?' Yes, certainly the
Help of Allah is near!" [Quran 2:214] 

13. The time has come for the Muslims all over the
World to begin making sacrifices for the sake of Allah
and render assistance to the Muslims in Afghanistan.
This includes physical, financial, material and
emotional sacrifices. If the Muslims do not wipe the
blemish off their Ummah, WHO will? The Muslims must
not be apathetic and think that the efforts of one of
them will not make a difference. On the contrary, each
and every single Muslim counts, whatever his race,
age, ability, skills or residence. Allah gives victory
to sincere, correct actions, not to material strength.
We STRONGLY recommend the Muslims to read the article
by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam in the Jihad in Afghanistan
section of our web-site, titled: Martyrs: The Building
Blocks of Nations. 

14. The war in Afghanistan is the beginning of a long
war that will last several years, perhaps decades and
eventually end with victory for the believers and a
good outcome for the Muslim Ummah. This is not just an
optimistic opinion, but it is part of our religious
belief to believe that Islam will eventually become
victorious even though the disbelievers may detest it.
Allah says in the Quran: "It is He who has sent His
Messenger with the Guidance and the Religion of Truth
that He may proclaim it over all other religions, even
though the polytheists may detest it." [Quran 61:9]
This time of tribulation and apparent 'defeat' for the
Muslims is only a process whereby Allah purges the
ranks of the believers of hypocrites and those with
diseased hearts. In these times, the hypocrites within
the ranks of the Muslims surface and begin to say
things like "We told you so," and "See, the Muslims
are no match for the World's Superpower", etc. The
Companions of the Prophet (SAWS) went through tougher
times and experienced more difficulties, but
eventually the victorious outcome was for the
believers. Therefore, those Muslims with faith in
Allah know that this period is a test, preparing the
Muslims for victory, separating the believers from the
hypocrites and taking martyrs from amongst the ranks
of the Muslims. 

"These days (successes of war) we alternate between
the people so that Allah may distinguish those who
believe and that He may take from your ranks martyrs.
And Allah does not the wrongdoers." [Quran 3:140] 

15. The Muslims are lacking in media. Due to the
advances of modern technology, it is easy to spread
news, information, articles and other information over
the Internet. We strongly urge Muslim internet
professionals to spread and disseminate news and
information about the Jihad through e-mail lists,
discussion groups and their own web-sites. If you fail
to do this, and our site closes down before you have
done this, we may hold you to account before Allah on
the Day of Judgement. As long as you mention that the
source of the article was Azzam Publications and do
not change them, you do not need our express
permission to take all the material from our site. 

16. Since our Products section will be closing
shortly, we would like to inform our visitors that we
are making arrangements for our books, audio tapes,
videos and CD's to be available from Maktabah Al-Ansar
Bookshop, http://www.maktabah.net,, who have secure,
online ordering via credit card. Please check with
them about stock availability before ordering. They
will also be selling our new books such as the new
edition of Join the Caravan. Bookstore owners and
wholesalers interested in distributing some of our
books through their stores should contact Maktabah
Al-Ansar directly. 

17. Due to financial restrictions being placed on
Muslims donating to assist fellow Muslims, under the
guise of financing terror, we urge the intelligent
Muslim bankers, businessmen and others to take the
initiative and find out new ways to collect money and
send it directly to any Muslims who need it anywhere
in the World, e.g. Pakistan. One of the easiest,
safest and most convenient way to transfer money is by
using the 'Hawala' transfer system. One just has to
ask around Muslim businessmen, travel agents and
shopowners for details on this system. 

18. In case our site is shut down again, please make a
written and bookmarked note of the central MSANEWS
News service where you should check for details of our
new sites or postings. 

19. We would like to take this opportunity to thank
all those Muslims and non-Muslims who have given us
support throughout the years. If they wish to continue
to support us, we only ask that they copy everything
on our site and distribute as widely as they can,
especially the stories from the Jihad Stories section,
and the articles. 

20. We ask Allah to give victory to those fighting for
His Sake in the four corners of the Earth, to destroy
their enemies and the hypocrites and to enable the
Muslim Ummah to produce millions of martyrs as the
price for victory in this Life and achieving Allah's
Pleasure in the Next. 

Your brothers at Azzam Publications 
20 November 2001 


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