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So, email address doesn't mean a thing to the court.

Agaknya, apa yang polis di Britain pakai untuk cekup
pelajar malaysia yang tipu pakai kad kredit dulu? Dan
juga bagaimana penyebar virus taiwan dicekup? Ada sapa2
yang mahir dalam bab ini tak?

Kira2nya id teman ni masih selamat lah ya. Sebab
bukan senang nak buktikan teman ni bersayap atau
bersengat, walaupun depa londehkan semua.  Bercakap
pasal prosidur melondehkan pakaian yang dibuat oleh
polis malaysia ni teman cukup2 tak setuju. Tak boleh
kah dia orang hijrah dari prosidur jahiliah ini kepada
yang lebih bertamaddun. Bila baca pasal cerita2 dari
dalam lokap, bagaimana dia orang cari duit lebih, 
bagaimana peserta2 perhimpunan aman dilayan, cerita2
mangsa ISA, dsbnya; seolah2 pihak berkuasa tak ada
pegangan agama (maaf cakap). Seolah2 mereka ini lupa
akan adanya hidup lepas mati. 

  "Shahrizal said the prosecution, which called 22
   witnesses, had no clear evidence to prove that the 
   rumour was circulated with the intention to evoke
   fear in people or cause a breach of public order."

Maknanya, kalau court tak nampak "clear evidence", 
maka tak boleh jatuh hukuman. Itu pasal lah kot OJ
Simpson boleh lepas tuduhan membunuh, walaupun bagi
orang awam dah cukup terang. Dalam pada tu, dalam kes
mata lebam, court berpendapat 2 bulan sudah cukup, 
walaupun orang awam kata paling minima 2 tahun. Jadinya
pandangan orang awam ni tak ada value rupanya. Ini lah
sebabnya sampai la ni teman tak boleh compute erti
ungkapan "...the court must be fair and seems to be


Rumour via e-mail: Bank officer acquitted 

                 By Carol Murugiah
                 29 April 2000 
                 Send to a friend | Printable Page 

KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. - The fact that the sender's name
appears on an e-mail is no proof that he is the
originator of the message, the magistrate's court ruled

Magistrate Shahrizal Shaari said there was no proof
that bank officer Au Yong Wai, 29, had in fact typed 
and sent the rumour via e-mail about the purchase of 
parangs by Indonesians here, even though Au did not
deny Marcus Au Yong Wai was the sender of the message.

He acquitted Au without calling for his defence on a
charge of circulating the rumour through the Internet 
at Hong Leong Bank, Wisma Hong Leong, Jalan Perak here,
about 2.21pm on Aug 3, 1998.

Au had pleaded not guilty to the charge which carries a
maximum sentence of two years' jail, or a fine, or 
both. He was detained under the Internal Security Act
on Aug 12, 1998.

Shahrizal said the prosecution, which called 22
witnesses, had no clear evidence to prove that the 
rumour was circulated with the intention to evoke fear 
in people or cause a breach of public order.

Therefore, he said, the prosecution had failed to prove
a prima facie case against Au.

Au was represented by Kitson Foong while DSP Tan Kok
Liang prosecuted.

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