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Sura 6. Al-An'am Section 7 (Y. Ali Translation)
56.     Say.  I am forbidden to worship those other than Allah whom ye call
upon."  Say: "I will not follow your vain desires: if I did I would stray
from the path and be not of the company of those who receive guidance."
57.     Say: "For me I (work) on a clear Sign from my Lord but ye reject Him.
What ye would see hastened is not in my power.  The Command rests with none
but Allah: He declares the truth and He is the best of Judges."
58.     Say: "If what ye would see hastened were in my power the matter would
be settled at once between you and me.  But Allah knoweth best those who do
59.     With Him are the keys of the Unseen the treasures that none knoweth but
He.  He knoweth whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf
doth fall but with His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or
depths) of the earth nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered) but is
(inscribed) in a Record Clear (to those who can read).
60.     It is He Who doth take your souls by night and hath knowledge of all
that ye have done by day.  By day doth He raise you up again; that a term
appointed be fulfilled; in the end unto Him will be your return then will
He show you the truth of all that ye did.

Sura 6. Al-An'am Section 7 (Y. Ali Commentary)
56:     c. 876. There are a number of arguments now put forward against the
Meccans who refused to believe in God's Message. Each argument is
introduced with the word "Say." Here are the first four: (1) I have
received Light and will follow it; (2) I prefer my Light to your vain
desires; (3) Your challenge-" if there is a God, why does He not finish the
blasphemers at once?" -it is not for me to take up; punishment rests with
God; (4) If it rested with me, it would be for me to take up your
challenge; all I know is that God is not unaquainted with the existance of
folly and wickedness, and many other things besides, that no mortal can
know; you can see little glimpses of His Plan, and you can be sure that He
will not be tardy in calling you to account.
57:     c. 877. What ye would see hastened: what ye, deniers of God, are so
impatient about: the punishment which ye mockingly say does not come to
you. Cf. xiii. 6.
58:     c. 878. The Messenger of God is not here to settle scores with the
wicked. It is not a matter between them and him. It is a matter between
them and God; he is only a warner against sin, and a declarer of the gospel
of salvation.
59:     c. 879. Mafatih: Plural of either miftah= a key, or maftah= a treasure.
Both meanings are implied, and I have accordingly put both in my translation.
c. 880. This is the mystic Record, the archetypal Plan, the Eternal Law,
according to which everything seen and unseen is ordered and regulated.
There is much mystic doctrine here, explained by beautiful metaphors and
illustrations. The simplest things in Nature are subject to His Law. The
fresh and the withered, the living and the lifeless-nothing is outside the
Plan of His Creation.
60:     c. 881. As the rest of His Creation is subject to His Law and Plan, so
is man's life in every particular and at every moment, awake or asleep. The
mystery of Sleep-" the twin brother of death" - is called the taking of our
soul by Him, with the record of all we have done in our waking moments, and
this record sometimes appears to us in confused glimpses in dreams. By day
we awaken again to our activities, and so it goes on until we fufil the
term of our life appointed for this earth. Then comes the other Sleep
(death), with the longer record of our Day (Life); and then, in the end
comes the Resurrection and Judgment, at which we see everything clearly and
not as in dreams, for that is the final Reality.

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