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Raja Aminullah's Resignation Letter

Raja Ahmad Aminullah Raja Abdullah,
Kuala Lumpur,
4 June 2001

Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Kamarul Ariffin,
Pengerusi Eksekutif,
Utusan Melayu Malaysia Bhd,
46, Jalan Chan Sow Lin,
Kuala Lumpur.
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri,


I am writing this letter with a heavy heart. Nevertheless I feel
compelled to write especially after I was invited to meet you the
other day. In short, I did not expect the meeting that afternoon to
lead to what transpired.

I would like to take this opportunity to proffer my heart-felt thanks
at Tan Sri's concern on this matter as expressed during our meeting
two weeks ago. I have always regarded Tan Sri as an acquaintance and
a friend. My personal respect towards Tan Sri will never change but
please allow me to express my views on the matter that you requested
last May 14th 2001.

In between our cordial and interesting discussion on culture, fine
arts, films and social problems of the Malays that serene evening Tan
Sri told me that Yang Amat Berhormat the Prime Minister was very
angry (amat marah) about the appeal letter on Datuk Seri Anwar
Ibrahim's medical treatment, which I had initiated with a group of

According to Tan Sri although the matter had not been communicated
directly by YAB, nevertheless messages to that effect had been
communicated. That letter was written as an appeal to the Prime
Minister for due consideration to be given to Datuk Seri Anwar
Ibrahim's choice of treatment in view of the fact that his illness
had given risen to some concern.

While acknowledging appreciation for the professional treatment
afforded by the nation's medical authorities in treating Datuk Seri
Anwar, the signatories also humbly appealed to the government's
goodwill to display compassion as well as humanitarian responses
towards a citizen who had previously contributed his services towards
the country.

"We humbly appeal that Datuk Seri Anwar be given the possibility of
being afforded the medical treatment of his choice. From our
knowledge, we understand that he wishes to be treated by Dr. Thomas
Hoogland at the Alpha Clinic in Munich, Germany.

"It is our understanding that a prisoner will not be precluded from
the specialist medical treatment of his choice. "The government's
magnanimity and humanitarian gesture in this matter will be highly
appreciated not only by all Malaysians but the international
community as well".

The 108 signatories represent a cross-section of society, with
different experiences, professions, interests and preferences. (I
append a copy of the appeal letter for Tan Sri's perusal).

Tan Sri also told me that the "Sec.Gen" (Secretary General-Tan Sri
Khalil Yaakob) of the party was very angry at the initiative and had
communicated as such directly to Tan Sri. You also told me that there
were others who expressed their regret at my action in coordinating
this appeal.

However if we have regard to the original vision of the establishment
of Utusan Melayu in the 1930's, I would imagine the struggle to
promote the interest of the Malays would include the interest of ALL
Malays regardless of their inclination especially when such
expression is founded in humanitarian concerns. Hence any
humanitarian appeal even one coordinated by "orang kita" should not
invite such an angry reaction.

Utusan Melayu was established with the support of the 'rakyat' in the
1930's from all level of society. Support came from the man in the
street as well as from the palaces. Its early editorial policies
clearly sought to create an open progressive modern and non-feudal

In my view, the move to dismiss me from the Board of Directors of
Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd. is tantamount to restraining my freedom of
expression. The Utusan newspaper that was at one time responsible for
mobilizing the people in creating an awareness of the inequities of
British colonialism subsequently thus gave an impetus to hastening
the process of national independence whilst then it was seen as
representing the 'rakyat' now it represents a small segment of the

I find it strange that the act of sending an appeal letter founded on
sincere and well-meaning intention should invite such "anger". How
wrong can it be for a small group of citizens (who are concerned with
the medical treatment of a fellow citizen who has contributed in no
small measure to this society) to articulate their appeal based on
empathy and humanitarianism?

It is widely known by now that this effort consists of a small and
loose group. Nevertheless a number of them are citizens who have
contributed in varying degrees to this society and this nation. A
number of them consist of younger talent who are bound to continue
their contribution in developing our society. They come from various
professions, life experiences; have differing interests as well as
preferences. The initiative was based solely on basic humanity and
essential compassion.

Tan Sri,

The choice of medical treatment that has been requested by Datuk Seri
Anwar Ibrahim is not preferential treatment, but in line with
existing legal provisions which would allow any incarcerated person
or prisoner to opt for the medical treatment of his choice.

It is widely known by now that the right of a person to his preferred
cause of treatment is not abrogated by the fact of him or her being

It would seem that the expression of humanitarian concern is now seen
as an expression of opposition. A humanitarian appeal is now viewed
as a statement that comes from the opposite reaches and at times as a
subversive action. How have we arrived to this point where values
appear to be convoluted? What kind of psychosis do we want to create
or establish?

What is obvious is that a kind of psychological scarring has taken
place and a generation has been scarred. Too much time and effort has
been poured into this matter whereas that energy and time could be
spent more effectively in building up this society. YAB the Prime
Minister himself in a speech quoted in the newspaper on 29th May 2001
stated that this society has spent too much time on political

My question is this; how has this situation arisen? Investigate the
origin and we will find the answer. No amount of browbeating,
diversions, or attempts to deflect the issue can help in the

Tan Sri has requested me to write a letter of apology to YAB Dr.
Mahathir to smoothen or lessen his anger and thus I would then be
allowed to continue sitting in the Board of Directors instead of
having to resign.

Why should I apologize for being, essentially, a human being?

Why should I apologize for responding out of a basic decency to
appeal for a fellow human being to be allowed to undergo the medical
treatment of his choice?

Why should I apologize for sharing a basic common humanity with my

If the roles were reversed or varied I would be thankful for someone
to remind me of my basic humanity. How is it that a small gesture
such as this has allegedly incurred YAB's and "Sec.Gen's" anger such
as to require their "pound of flesh" ala Shylock in the Shakespeare's
The Merchant of Venice.

What is the great offence that has been caused by this Malaysian?

As citizen of this country; we have been culturalized with a long
historical tradition. Obviously we would want to learn from that
history. We do not want the scenario from Sulalatus Salatin (the
Malay Annals) where the youthful Hang Nadim was sacrificed (out of
fear of his potential) to be repeated across the ages. Whether the
incident is to be interpreted literally or metaphorically it would
appear to be a case of shooting the messenger instead of heeding the

I would have thought it a reasonable assumption that, by joining a
party, even a ruling organization, I am not thereby precluded from
having (and stating) any opinion what more on a matter of general
human compassion and of basic common humanity.

I had never realized that there was a (party) policy, in addition to
humiliating and denying all the contributions of a former deputy
party leader (this is of course in contradiction to previous practice
and precedent), all and sundry were also prohibited from expressing
their concern and empathy for his health condition, irrespective of
their political affinities or preferences, or none.

I have repeatedly told my friends that this was a humanitarian
initiative. The fact that the Dr. Mahathir's reply politicizes the
issue is not of our doing or intent.

I would wish that a kinder and gentler society, the so-called caring
society that is touted, but not generally practiced - will emerge,
flooding and washing away the sins of commission and omission that
are visited upon us now at this juncture.

Some friends tell me I must be naive in assuming that such an appeal
would strike a human chord. To this I invariably reply that I am an
eternal optimist who always chooses to believe in generosity and
kindness of a human being, and of the magnanimity of the human

I am not inclined to be an oppositionist. For almost 15 years I have
contributed to this society within my capabilities through my NGO
activities, social activities, organizing of forums and seminars
including the 1st national level seminar on 2020 in 1991 in Ipoh
Perak. I have also held office from branch to divisional level (as
divisional vice head) of UMNO.

I am certainly not someone incapable of understanding political
realities. What I am incapable of is to continue stomaching the
inhuman and inhumane treatment of a senior leader of our country.

Many people have told me their personal predilection on this matter.
Many in UMNO, even in leadership circles, have mentioned their
feelings on this matter in private. The fact that they have chosen
not to express it publicly is one of their own individual choosing. I
would certainly not be judgmental nor speculative in this respect,
although people are talking of a "culture of fear", sindrom bisu, of
waiting till PM goes off before speaking out.

I choose to believe in the indomitability of the human spirit and the
goodness of the human soul.

Tan Sri,

When I entered your office that evening, I felt a certain electricity
in the air. However, as someone who respects Tan Sri, I felt bound to
lessen your discomfort that evening.

Finally after discussions pertaining to culture, and mentioning your
personal sympathy towards Datuk Seri Anwar's health condition, you
suggested that I have to apologize to Dr. Mahathir in order to retain
my position in the Board of Directors of Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd.

I realize that in this society we are not bereft of people who have
compassion as well as concern in their hearts. This is perhaps not
the occasion for me to dwell on the role of intellectuals or man of
goodwill that lately has been seen by our people as behaving like the
proverbial ostrich - preferring to bury their heads in the sand.

History will one day tells us that this group in the end allowed
themselves to be led so that their eyes do not see, their ears do not
hear the cries that emanate from the bowels of their society, even
though such feelings possibly also tug at their heart-strings.

I have been brought up to be familiar with the traditions and culture
of the Malay society. In a personal context, I am reminded of an
education, which may seem trivial and insignificant, but which
substantially informs our life.

The lesson that I am referring to is the principle of tauhid, which
teaches us that our perennial loyalty is to the Creator. Any profane
and temporal anxieties or worries should not result in jettisoning
this principle. This understanding is not designed to make us
extraordinary human beings but merely to help us navigate our life as
universal citizens who choose to believe in divine greatness.

We have veiled ourselves from expressing our views with honesty,
sincererity and equity. In fact as the Malay proverb says "bagai
bajak wangkang makan berangkat", we continue saying YES even though
our conscience tells us otherwise.

All our discourse about the finesse of culture becomes empty when the
reality shows our voice to be absent at the time when they need to be
heard. All our knowledge and experience should in fact motivate us to
act in accordance with our conscience. Where are the cultural values
that we laud, the pantun, which we read on the television screens,
whereas in the same breath our humanity remain concealed or

It is at times like this that I remember some lines from the
Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish;

"Where do we go now
 After the last sky".
Where else can this appeal be addressed to after all the requests
from the various levels of society have been rejected?

What else can be done when humanitarian voices cannot be expressed?
And when expressed are summarily dismissed?

This is because in addition to our initiative various groups of
individuals, NGOs, political parties and lately SUHAKAM have
forwarded their appeals and received negative response.

In fact the news that YAB the Prime Minister agreed to meet the
deputation of political party leaders on condition that one of them
not be included was very unfortunate.

People are bound to ask; is the unreadyness to meet with this woman,
a wife, a mother, not because she is a doctor, not because she is a
professional (even though she is all that and more), a confirmation
of the perception that, in the final analysis a person will not be
able to gaze into the eyes of the person (or his or her spouse)
against whom he has acted unjustly?

The problem is that sections of our intellectuals have not carried
out their responsibilities. We take the easy road because it is less
complicated and not cumbersome; in the end our humanitarian instinct
that should open our eyes and our ears, and lead us to voice out the
truth appear to be silenced.

The expression of truth is deferred while diversionary devices are
used and created in social and political machinations. Let us hope
that the procession of dark clouds that is hovering over us will soon
move on.

We have to make efforts to widen the feeling of compassion, love and
care in our society.

In practical terms as in the case of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, it
means we have to avoid "eating the carcass" of our fellow men. We
should resolve to remove the veil, which has caused us not to believe
in ourselves; and to keep at a distance unnecessary anxiety and worry
based on our principles.

Tan Sri,

I have the greatest respect for you as an experienced person who has
contributed to the society including in art and culture. I would like
to thank you for your advice, leadership and inspiration that you
have afforded me in the 14 years that I have been with the company.

Rest assured that I understand your predicament and in no way intend
to cause you any harm or offence.

What I had stated is merely an expression of my feelings in the most
moderate way possible. I would wish of course that this could be done
through other means; I have searched my conscience and this is my

Between apologizing for coordinating a letter appealing for due
consideration to be given to Datuk Seri Anwar's choice of medical
treatment based on compassion, and having to resign from the board,
my answer is clear and unequivocal.

I hereby tender my resignation.

Yours sincerely,

(Raja Ahmad Aminullah Raja Abdullah)
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