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-----Original Message-----
From:    Mateen Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:    Fri, 21 Apr 2000 23:29:09 -0400
Subject: Shame on editor of islamonline.net!

MSA-EC - http://sunnah.org

To: Editor, islamonline.net
re: http://www.islamonline.net/iol-english/dowalia/news-2000-April-19/topnews1.a
cc: Muslims

Dear Editor,

Shame on you for repeating and continuing to repeat baseless and wrongful calumny.  In 
case you have not seen it earlier, attached is our refutation of the recent AFP news 
report which attributes utterly false statements to Shaykh Hisham Kabbani regarding 

If you consider your website to be an authentic source of news for Muslims, before you 
implement cut-and-paste tactics which might reflect poorly on your chairman  Dr. Yusuf 
Qardawi, and as Dr. Qardawi is a recognized `aalim, it is better for you to call and 
verify before republishing whatever stories some Western media are reporting. Allah 
subhanahu wa ta`ala in His Ancient Word said, "Ya ayyuhaladheena aamanu in ja`akum 
faasiqun bi naba'in fa-tabayyanu an tuseebu qawman bi-jahalatin fa tusbihu `ala maa 
fa`ltum naadimeen" - "O you who believe! if an evil-doer comes to you with a report, 
look carefully into it, lest you harm a people in ignorance, then be sorry for what 
you have done." [49: 6] Since your website is designated for all Muslims and you claim 
to allow differing views, we request you publish this reply in its entirety, as we at 
The Muslim Magazine have done for so many opposition views.

It is a pity that when Allah asks Muslims to verify a report (tabayyinu), that a 
shaykh and an `aalim like Shaykh Qardawi should have something issued in his name 
without his knowledge. This is even more distasteful when anothers scholar of the 
religion. It is better that he personally verify reports

before issuing false and statements which have been cut and pasted by crafty editors.

Since Shaykh Kabbani and our organizations' position on the conflict in Chechnya is 
very well-known, one has only to wonder that you are suddenly willing to believe the 
European and Western media, whereas when it comes to reports on any other Muslims you 
reject them outright.

From this action it appears that when it suits you, you accept their reports and when 
you dislike

what they say you reject them on the grounds that they are kuffaar, biased and 
anti-Islamic. Therefore, cease upholding a hypocritical methodology and criterion. 
Rather speak plainly and stand for truth.

One must know that when analyzing a situation in a manner that suits your own desires 
shaytan will

play with you by gossiping in the heart. Have you not read surah 114, "Qul audhu 
bi-Rabb an-Naasi.aladhee yuwaswisu fee sudur an-nas?"  In this case it appears that 
just such gossip has found its mark.

It pains our hearts to see an Islamic website operating under the honorable name of 
Shaykh Yusuf Qardawi being used for analyses such as this, and we suspect that he in 
fact might be unaware that this analysis was published at all. In fact it may be that 
like CAIR, which has evinced a malignant "personal" enmity towards the Shaykh, and 
which used the name of seven organizations to buttress that stance in their 
"condemnation" issued last year against the Shaykh, one or more of islamonline 
website's editors have been influenced to issue this "analysis" out of pure enmity.

On the other hand, if the "analysis" presented was made by Shaykh Yusuf Qardawi or 
endorsed by him, let him sign it, for we know how to speak to Shaykh Yusuf Qardawi.

Regardless the reckoning of Judgment Day hastens between us and you. The Shaykh stated 
that the bombing of Iraq is not an Islamic issue, but a political one. At the same 
time ISCA has called countless times for the sanctions to be lifted from the Iraqi 
people who are helpless victims in the face of a congregated force. We have to wonder 
aloud then, is Shaykh Yusuf  Qardawi now supporting Saddam Husayn?

Our policy is simple: we ask that you either put the whole context of any given 
statement, not that you cut and paste as the Western media is wont to do.

We only fear only Allah subhanahu ta`ala and our love is for the Prophet and for the 
sake of the Prophet we do everything, peace be upon him. We reject and refute all 
Wahabi/Salafi teaching whose essence is utter disrespect for the Prophet, peace be 
upon him, whose intercession we seek and expect in both this dunya and in akhira, and 
we do not care for anyone else's opinion or claims.

In closing, since you consider yourself well-informed, and if you believe in 
presenting the truth, please name which Arab governments countries have welcomed 
Shaykh Kabbani when he visits them if in fact you have the courage to do so. Let us 
see precisely what you are about in order for all to understand your baseless 

By the way, I have just returned from Kosova. Every Muslim we met warmly praised US 
foreign policy there - why have you not condemned them?


Mateen Siddiqui
VP, the Islamic Supreme Council of America
Editor, The Muslim Magazine


Text of our refutation of the false attribution to Shaykh Kabbani regarding ISCA's 
stance on Chechnya:

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem was-salaat was-salaam `ala Rasulillah wa alihi wa 
sahbihi ajma`een

"Al af'aal ablaghu min al-aqwal" - Deeds suffice as proof over words (Arab proverb)

Brothers and sisters in Islam,
Salaam alaykum,

Our position on the crisis in Chechnya is very well-known through our websites, 
through our press releases and through The Muslim Magazine, particularly the last four 
issues, beginning with the '98 Spring edition, specifically devoted to Chechnya, and 
including the last three issues, ISCA's education about the conflict, our relief work 
for Chechen refugees throughout the Russian Federation through American Muslim 
Assistance and our extensive media coverage of the conflict. However it should come as 
no surprise to anyone to see the media use cut-and-paste tactics to present a 
completely false picture of our stance, when self-proclaimed Muslim representative 
organizations like CAIR have done the same, as in  their complete distortion of Shaykh 
Hisham Kabbani's presentation to the State Department in January 1999.
Nothing could make our stance on Chechnya clearer than the fact that our affiliate, 
American Muslim Assistance, was the first organization to successfully distribute 
fresh Zabiha/Qurbani meat to over 20,000 Chechen refugees throughout 270 camps in 
Ingushetia on Eid al-Adha, in March 2000.
It is extremely surprising to see Muslims give credence to news agencies who maintain 
zero credibility on Islamic issues, in particular the current conflict.
Again, our stand on Chechnya is clear and explicit and can be found at all of our 
websites and in our published literature.

Mateen Siddiqui
VP, Islamic Supreme Council of America (ISCA)
Editor, The Muslim Magazine

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