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Tiada jalan untuk berdamai dengan Yahudi. Hancurkan mereka !!!

       IAP-Net: Ahmed Qrei: peace process is Clinically dead
       Mon, 23 Oct 2000 09:49:02 -0500 (CDT)
       Islamic Association For Palestine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Ahmed Qrei: peace process is Clinically dead

Occupied Jerusalem: 23 October/00 - A high-ranking Palestinian 
Authority official has described the current state of the peace 
process with the Zionist regime as "clinically dead." 

The Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmed Qrey 
said in a radio interview with the " voice of Palestine" Monday  
a "clinically dead is effectively dead, adding that only through 
quick and strong intervention can the peace process be saved from 

Qrei described the decision of the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud 
Barak to take a "time-out" of the peace process was "meaningless."

"How can he take a time-out of a peace process which is clinically 

Earlier, PA chairman Yasser Arafat called Barak's decision 

Arafat said Barak wouldn't "scare us by this decision," adding 
that he (Barak) "can go to hell."


       IAP-Net: Israel shuts down Gaza airport anew
       Mon, 23 Oct 2000 09:50:22 -0500 (CDT)
       Islamic Association For Palestine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Israel shuts down Gaza airport anew

Occupied Jerusalem: 23 October/00 - The Israeli occupation 
authorities on Monday again shut down the Gaza Airport, cutting 
off the Gaza Strip and the PA enclaves from the rest of the world. 

Palestinian sources in Gaza said the order to close the airport 
came directly from the office of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud 

The closure of the airport is bad news for over a hundred 
Palestinians suffering  serious gunshot wounds and waiting to 
be transferred by air to hospitals in Arab countries.

Moreover, the closure forced several planes, including a Royal 
Jordanian plane, to remain stranded at the airport.

The PA denounced the Zionist decision, describing it as 
"irresponsible" and "inconsistent with the recent agreement at 
Sharm el Sheikh."

The Zionist regime resorted to shutting down the Gaza airport 
several times, allowing no plane to land or take off except 
Yasser Arafat's own plane.

The Israeli measure proves manifestly that the PA has no 
sovereignty or control over the airport.

When the airport was inaugurated three years ago, the PA declared 
it a "symbol of Palestinian sovereignty."  (end)

       IAP-Net: Zionist troops besiege Palestinian town
       Mon, 23 Oct 2000 09:51:56 -0500 (CDT)
       Islamic Association For Palestine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Zionist troops besiege Palestinian town

Occupied Jerusalem: 23 October/00 - Zionist troops on Monday 
imposed a siege on the Palestinian town of Beit Jala on the 
West Bank, hours after Israeli artillery and helicopter gunships 
pounded the predominantly Christian town, inflicting heavy 

Palestinian sources said a Christian Orthodox Center was damaged 
along with a theatre hall and several buildings.

The Israeli chief of staff Shaul Mofaz had the audacity to 
demand the estimated 20,000 inhabitants of the town to leave 
their homes, in order to enable the Israeli forces to bombard 
the town with as little human casualties as possible.

The terrorist tactics, which border on ethnic cleansing, was 
earlier adopted in several localities in the West Bank and Gaza 
Strip whereby Israeli army soldiers warned the civilian inhabitants 
that they should leave their towns and villages "for their own 

The Israeli army said several rounds were fired from the direction 
of Beit Jala toward the nearby Jewish settlement of Gilo, slightly
damaging one a window of an apartment.

Mofaz said the vacation of Palestinian cities would from now on 
be the "norm" whenever gunfire is used against Israeli settlements 
and soldiers.

Yesterday's  bombing of Beit Jala was the third time the town 
is bombarded by Israeli tanks and helicopters. (end)

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