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American Airlines jet crashes in New York

                   November 12, 2001 Posted: 1:16 p.m. EST (1816 GMT)

                                                    NEW YORK (CNN) -- An
                                                    Airlines jet with
255 people on board
                                                    crashed Monday in a
                                                    neighborhood after
taking off from
                                                    New York's John F.

                                                    American Airlines
Flight 587, an Airbus
                                                    A300, went down at
9:17 a.m. EST in the
                                                    Rockaway section of
the New York City
                                                    borough of Queens
about five miles from
                                                    Kennedy airport.

                                                    The plane was en
route to Santo Domingo,
                                                    Dominican Republic.
American Airlines
                   said the plane was carrying 246 passengers and nine
crew members.

                   A senior Bush administration official told CNN
initial indications are that there was
                   an explosion aboard the plane but that the source of
the explosion is unknown.

                   White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said
                   there had been no unusual communications with
                   the cockpit. Asked if there were any indications of
                   terrorism, Fleischer said "We have not ruled
                   anything in; we have not ruled anything out."

                   Fleischer said President Bush had spoken with New
                   York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Gov. George Pataki
                   and told them the federal government would do
                   everything it could to help.

                   Fleischer said the National Transportation Safety
                   Board was leading the investigation into the crash.
                   The NTSB said it was preparing a "go team" to
                   travel to the scene, and an Airbus representative
                   was also en route.

                   Giuliani said there were two crash sites -- one
                   where the plane landed and another where an
                   engine landed. Both were about six blocks from a
                   school building. The school was closed for the
                   Veterans Day holiday.

                   At least four houses were on fire, and a huge plume
                   of smoke could be seen rising from the sites. The
                   New York Fire Department dispatched 44
                   firetrucks and 200 firefighters to the scene.
                   declared a Level One emergency, mobilizing all
                   available police, fire and emergency personnel.

                   An eyewitness told CNN, "I was in my kitchen ...
                   and I saw the plane hit the house behind my house.
                   It was so low, I was ducking almost, then huge
                   fireballs, and I jumped out of the ... window of my

                   "I ran right across the street ... it's
                   she said, overcome by emotion. "It sounded like
                   two planes. It was flying too low, and then it hit.
                   was like a bomb exploded." (Full story)

                   Giuliani said his first response to the crash was,
                   "Oh my God."

                   Latest developments

                   • All three New York-area airports -- Kennedy,
                   LaGuardia and Newark -- closed after the crash.
                   Kennedy was reopened for the arrival of flights
                   already in the air.

                   • Both national and international air traffic were
                   affected. In Los Angeles, California, airport
                   officials said flights to the three New York-area
                   airports were grounded. British Airways said it had
                   two flights en route to New York at the time of the
                   crash. A spokesman said those planes would be
                   diverted. A Lufthansa flight to New York was

                   • All of New York's bridges and tunnels were closed
after the crash, but they were
                   later reopened to outbound traffic.

                   • CNN confirmed Bush postponed a scheduled meeting
with Russian and American
                   reporters so he could meet with advisers to discuss
the crash. "The president is on
                   top of it. They're alert; they're watching everything
else all over the country,"
                   Giuliani said. "So I think people should remain
absolutely calm. This can be
                   handled, and we're just being tested one more time.
We're going to pass this test,

                   • A senior FBI official said there had been no
intelligence gathered and no threats
                   made, "nothing to indicate this was an act of

                   • The Pentagon said surveillance flights were going
on in the area at the time of the
                   crash and nothing unusual had been spotted.

                   • The United Nations went into a partial lockdown
after the crash. The U.N.
                   Security Council's president issued a statement
expressing shock at the news of the
                   crash and offering "heartfelt sympathies to the
people of the United States and
                   families of those who lost their lives." (Full story)

                   • The Empire State Building was evacuated as a
security precaution.

                   • About 200 family members of passengers on the plane
were waiting at the Las
                   Americas International Airport in Santo Domingo, said
Dominican customs official
                   Evelyn Aredondo. "People are watching TV, waiting to
hear something," she said.
                   "They are very upset."

                   • American Airlines set up a telephone number for
family members to call for
                   information. The number is 1-800-245-0999.

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