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Tersangatlah setuju, walaupun pedih hati membacanya, akan 
artikel dibawah ini. Kita dapat lihatlah dalam syarikat2 
yang membangunkan aplikasi komputer secara outsourcing, 
ramai pakar2 (terutama programmer) luar diambil terutama 
dari India. Sebenarnya mereka itu bukanlah pakar sangat. 
Mereka learn-on-job, bila mahir mereka cabut pergi ke 
barat.  Kalau yang buat applikasi, bahasa komputernya
pun berbelit2.  

Tapi apakan daya, bos2 syarikat lebih sanggup bayar 
berlipat ganda untuk "consultant" yang taklah semahir mana,
tapi kalau untuk staff sendiri, bukan main tangkai jering 
lagi. Pegawai dalam division perjawatan lagi laju naik
pangkatnya dari pegawai IT. 

Tambahan pula sekarang ni ekonomi tak berapa cergas, lagi 
eksyenlah bos2 syarikat sebab staff tak mudah cari kerja 
lain. Cakap banyak aje, dia orang buat cara turn-key out 
outsourcing dan tak perlu sangat orang dalaman. Sebab 
kebanyakan bos2 ingat, buat aplikasi komputer ni macam 
buat kincir angin - lepas bina boleh biar dia berpusing 
sendiri buat selama2nya.  Mungkin mereka tak tahu, lebih 
70 peratus pembangunan aplikasi gagal menepati matlamat 
kerana beberapa faktor. Kalau nak bincang, kita boleh buka 
topik lain.   

Walaubagaimanapun, khabarnya, 90,000 graduan IT akan masuk 
cari kerja tahun depan.  Semoga mereka dibekali cukup 
pengetahuan dalam bidang2 terkini.  Jangan nanti nak buat
system/program specs pun terkial2.  Semoga ada cukup kerja
untuk mereka.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Hassan, Haslim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ooi, Tony
> With warmest regards,
> Tony Ooi

> Awesome But Stupid: Malaysia Loses The IT Plot
> From Asia Times http://www.atimes.com/ <http://www.atimes.com/>
> Envious eyes in Malaysia must be looking westward at the
> knowledge workers India is churning out. If only 
> Malaysia, with its massive investment in infrastructure, 
> had India's breeding ground for software talent, then its
> information technology industry would really take off.
> A mainstream newspaper last week headlined computer 
> software tycoon Bill Gates's description of Malaysia's 
> Multimedia Super Corridor, a huge fiber-optic-wired 
> high-tech zone south of Kuala Lumpur, as "awesome".
> "Outside the United States, you won't find a project 
> where the scale of the commitment and the energy put 
> behind it is any greater than this one," Gates said of 
> the MSC. That may be so. But lost in the small print 
> somewhere was the news that Gates, for all his gushing 
> praise, had little to offer in the way of fresh
> investment in the MSC.
> In a memorandum of understanding signed with Malaysia's
> Multimedia University, the new Microsoft Knowledge 
> Capital Center in the MSC offered to sponsor 10 million 
> ringgit (US$2.6 million) worth of training and
> development facilities and programs over the next five 
> years.
> Contrast that with Gates's announcement of a US$50 
> million expansion plan for Microsoft Corp's development 
> center in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad - widely
> seen as a "vote of confidence" in India's human resources
> despite its weak infrastructure and mass poverty. ''The 
> key is the quality of the human talent here [in India]. 
> When people do software projects in India, they do so 
> because this is the place they can find people with the
> latest skills. It is not on the [cheap] price [of labor],
> '' Gates was quoted as saying by The Times of India newspaper.


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