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Seperti yang dijanjikan, warga HizbiNet akan berpeluang membaca
perdebatan antara Tiger dengan Aishah (wanita Melayu Kristian).
Perlu diingatkan bahawa jawapan yang diberi oleh Aishah bukan
semestinya dia yang menjawab, tetapi hasil penelitian satu team
kawan-kawannya yang berugama Kristian. Perhatikan dimanakah silap
akidah orang-orang Kristian.

       Fri, 26 May 2000 23:56:50 +0800
       Tiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
       aishah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Terima kasih untuk email saudara. Saudara kurang faham mengenai
> kesucian Allah. Allah terlalu suci untuk manusia yang penuh dosa
> mendekatinya. This is why we need perantaraan Isa. No one with even a
> single tiny sin can approach Allah directly. Allah is light, completely
> holy.

I come to know that you were once a Muslim. I hope I am not being
offensive. Keep this communication going. I am a Malaysian Chinese
and embraced Islam about 25 years ago. I have been studying
comparative religions, especially between Islam and Christianity.
I have a good reason why I want to write to you. I am not in any
way trying to ridicule you.

What's the difference between us? You are now a Christian, and it
would be wise if we could compare notes. The way I understand
God is a bit different from you. I believe God is One and is
beyond grasp. My idea of God is that he being holy, has nothing
to do with man's sinfulness. God is a perfect being. We humans
are not perfect and have the tendency to sin. The way I understand
is, God being holy and perfect, he is also being wise. That is
God is WISE. He created humans so that we could worship him.

When God created Adam/Eve, he knew the possibility that humans
could make a mistake. What *if* Adam could sin, would God be
ready to forgive him? Islam says that when Adam sinned that
caused his fall, God foreknew that could possibly happen. He
as a FORGIVING God, could exercise his will to forgive man if
Adam asked for forgiveness. The picture that the Quran has given
us is that Adam regretted for having disobeyed God and sinned.
God taught him *how* to ask for forgiveness and he and Eve were
forgiven. The simple teaching of Islam.

Since the Christians put so much stress on God's holiness, when
Adam sinned, he offended God so much that God became very angry.
He deserved to die, that means Adam and Eve would be obliterated
forever. Adam failed God. Because the "death" punishment that
Adam deserved was carried out, God then thought of *redeeming*
Adam. One way was to send his only Son, that is God the Son, the
other member of the triune God to die as a sacrifice. So mankind
will be finally redeemed and gain salvation by believing that
Jesus died for them. And God was appeased by his Son's death through
crucifixion. The blood was shed as an accepted sacrifice.

In Islam, God is what he is. He is holy. We being sinful humans
can still reach God by constantly remembering him, always ask
for his forgiveness and guidance. This is to show that we as
weak beings must depend on God. His holiness is what God is, it
has nothing to do with our sins offending his holiness. That's
why Muslims always pray for forgiveness, because ONLY God who
has all the right to forgive. Muslims believe that we are not
tainted by the *original sin*, and that doesn't hinders us from
getting much closer to God. Her could get as close to God as we
could strive to be *spiritually*. 

In Christianity, the so-called *original sin* is what is preventing
humans from reaching God. It is also very strange that the Jews
who wrote the Old Testament have never taught of anything like
the original sin is such a disturbing problem. Only the Christians
are people who invented this original sin.

> To approach Allah, I must be perfect with no sin whatever. Neither 
> you nor I are that good. So we must approach Allah through the
> perfection of  Isa. The forgiveness that Isa made through the 
> cross gives me the right to approach Allah.

The moment I rememeber Allah, I would tremble because I "see" that
he is the Almighty God. God is perfect, for this reason we think
that his perfection is already what he is. Nothing at all can ever
turn him imperfect for any moment. We always sin, be it big or
small and for this reason we yearn to be perfect BUT we can NEVER
ever be perfect.This is the teaching of Islam. It's the love pangs
that make us always want to get closer to God spiritually, not 
physically and not needing any intermediary. There is no such thing 
for a need of intermediary in Islam. In other words, if I as a human ...
my soul and mind will reach God *directly* because God has already
created us to have such capacity.

The notion that we need "something" as an intermediary between
God and human, is a sign that humans tend to think of God as
a weak being. His holiness is so aloaf from us that he was not
capable of creating us having the capacity to reach and approach
him. That's doesn't make sense. My mouth would praise God at
any moment, I am sure God is always hearing and knowing what
I am saying. If you think that God doesn't like me because he
is holy and I am a sinful being ... then WHY did he create me to
be like that, the liability to sin? Islam says..if I sin, God
is offended, then I simply have to ask for his forgiveness.

Jesus? You believe he is God? And I don't need Jesus or anyone
to help me reach God. You are making God sound weak and silly.
I always believe that God is close to us, surely he knows what
we humans are. We pray to him for our own good. Being sinful
has not degraded God's holiness. WHY? It is because God is
already holy, we being sinful doesn't make him less holy.

I could prefer the islamic way of appraoching God. I am doing
it on my own. Its more fun to pray to God this way. No need
to go through anyone or anything ...just call God ... and he
knows that we need him. That's why we say Islam is a straightforward
religion. Right now, I know that God knows what I am doing. He
has never been too far away from me because he *feels* that he
dislike me that I am tainted with that *original sin*. In
Islam we are all born sinless. As we keep on living, there will
always be sins that we gather, because its our nature that we
are imperfect. That's the reason, Adam being a human was succumbed
to sinning because he was a human. He could sin and he could also
not sin. Only God being the Perfect being can never ever sin. We
can never be perfect because we cannot be like God. We are striving
to achieve a perfection, but not the perfection what God is.

Sekian, wassalaam.

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