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Who Needs Another Hybrid?   
by Dr. Ronald M. Coleman, Dr. Michael K. Oliver, and the Authors of 
Malawi Cichlid Homepage: Dr. George J. Reclos, Francesco Zezza, 
Patrizia Spinelli, and Frank Panis 
Red Blood Parrot 'Cichlid' — a classic hybrid that
has been disgracing tanks for over a decade  

 any aquarists know the Red Blood Parrot “cichlid,” a hybrid which has 
been around for some time and has found its way into many tanks for 
many reasons (especially, ignorance or the famous “who cares?” 
concept). However, it seems that even all that has been written and the 
great controversy this hybrid created were not enough to stop breeders 
from pursuing easy money in this field. 

Recently, we came across an announcement for a new “cichlid,” a man-
made hybrid called “Flower Horn.” For people like us (African cichlid 
lovers), who go to great lengths to ensure that the fish we keep, 
donate, or sell are pure species, this is something unacceptable. For 
people like most of you, driven by the philosophy of true fish keeping 
and an inherited love for nature, this whole idea is (or should be) 
disgusting. Using nature’s precious jewels to produce aquatic monsters 
(“Franken-fish” according to Dr. Ron Coleman) is something we should 
protest against and make sure that at least some people hear this 
voice. This is the reason behind this article. We will do our best to 
ensure that more and more people hear about this, get educated, and 
finally understand that there is no reason to buy this “kind” of fish 
for their tanks. Breeders producing such fish try to make a fish that 
has a special appearance or shows a specific behavior, give it an 
exotic name (like “Flower Horn”), and then sell it for many 
dollars/pounds/euros/yen to people who are tempted by the appearance of 
those “creatures” and supported by their ignorance. Hybrid fish are not 
meant for the serious aquarist; this is the simple truth. This is the 
philosophy of the authors of this article — the people behind the 
participating Web sites — and we will always fight against those who 
think they can play god — or, should we say, antigod. 

Francesco Zezza, an author of Malawi Cichlid Homepage, expresses his 
feelings in his own way: 

      In the context of this article I’d like to add my personal point 
of view. Let’s begin with this: I’m NOT a scientist or a researcher. 
I’m simply a hobbyist (may I dare to add an advanced hobbyist) lucky 
enough to have visited (twice) Lake Malawi and the Amazon basin. Hence, 
I do not have the scientific background to discuss genetics, 
hybridization, chemistry and so on but I have been keeping fishes (and 
cichlids) for over twenty years. I’ll try to focus on the issue which 
is called “well being of the fish.” This always meant to me that I had 
to study, at least, the VERY basics of the fishes I’m planning to keep. 
Well, let’s focus on what is suggested by the breeder himself for 
raising (and training!) this latest result of human madness … I quote 
from their suggestions (by the way they call them “instructions” as if 
they’re referring to a toy and not a living creature!!) and then I’ll 
add my remarks — step by step — listed and numbered [ ]: 
 “The value of the Flower Horn is from the `nuchal hump' on its head 
[1], the pearl dots on its body, the redness of its fins and body and 
the roundness of the body on the whole [2]. In order to get the hump on 
the head to a reasonable size, one can place a mirror near the aquarium 
in order to get the fish excited. Looking at the mirror is like it is 
facing another fish and since this species is territorial in nature it 
will try to chase the mirror image away. Through this method the 
`nuchal hump' on the head can get bigger and the colour of the fish 
itself will brighten up [3]. It is also advisable to put in small 
stones preferably coloured stones in the aquarium. Playing with the 
stones is another kind of stimulation which can enhance the `hump' on 
its head [4].” 
[1] There is nothing new or spectacular here. The cephalic hump is a 
distinctive sexual characteristic of many cichlids. There are many 
species around with this characteristic – no reason to choose a hybrid 
for that. 

[2] Same here. Well shaped and coloured fishes are highly regarded 
everywhere. Moreover, every well kept cichlid will fit this bill. 

[3] What a marvelous suggestion! Just imagine spending your whole life 
always (and I mean ALWAYS) being frightened, upset, excited, and 
worried. Have these breeders ever heard of fish stress?? 

[4] Here comes another great moment of the human superior brain! Those 
fishes (New World cichlids) come from a pale environment with shades 
and subdued colors. I really wonder whose idea was it to keep those 
poor “creatures” in a tank with a gravel painted like a disco! 

To finish my thoughts: Stay away from this ugliness, respect fishes 
(and even more Mother Nature) and you won’t regret it! If this fish 
hasn’t appeared in the wild there must be a very good reason for that. 
Who are we to bring this “monster” into life? 

 r. Ronald Coleman gives a foretaste of what he thinks about these 

      As I see it, there are certain cultures on this planet that 
regard animals (or plants) as being here solely for the benefit of 
humans. They then look at wild animals and deem them as not quite 
perfect for their uses (which may be practical or aesthetic) and then 
regard it as a true achievement to convert the wild organism (in their 
minds “perfecting it”) to how it more ideally suits their vision. This 
is very clearly the goal of the breeders of the Kiran cichlid and seems 
to be the same case here. For example, red is “desirable” as is “a 
blockhead,” etc. 
It is difficult or impossible to make these people understand what is 
wrong with doing this because you would in effect be trying to change 
their entire religious/cultural/moral view of the world. In fact, some 
people would regard it as “wrong” to tell them not to do what they are 
doing, arguing that their view of the world is equally valid to one 
that respects the diversity of wild organisms. Personally, I disagree 
with this, but it makes one very vulnerable to being labeled a cultural 
bigot or cultural imperialist. 

I try to explain that if this process continues the world will only be 
filled with blockheaded, red fish that can't swim well. Their response 
would be “And what is wrong with that....?” in contrast to you or I who 
would regard that as an unacceptable consequence of human activity. 

So what can be done? I think there is nothing that can be done directly 
about the source of these “fish.” They will continue to be made as long 
as people will buy them. The buying end is where action can be taken 
because many of the buyers purchase these fish because they are “cute.” 
Spreading information on what these fish are and the fact that they are 
not “real” fish is the best course of action; however, the kind of 
person who goes to a pet store and buys a fish because it is “cute” is 
also very likely NOT the kind of person to research a fish before 
buying it. Hence, I suspect these things will continue to be sold. 

The parrot cichlid doesn't worry me too much because it is so obviously 
a non-fish. I am more concerned about this new thing [“Flower Horn”] 
you showed to me. It looks more “real” and clearly has elements of 
various Central Americans, e.g. trimacs and who knows what else. These 
fishes are variable in the wild and difficult enough to distinguish 
normally; this will only muddy the waters. The saving grace may be that 
because these new things will be “exotic and imported” they will 
hopefully sell for a high price which will mean there will be strong 
pressure on stores to identify them as these hybrids and not the other 
way around, i.e. to pass them off as trimaculatus or some other thing. 
This will likely change with the next generation, i.e. the offspring 
produced from pairs bought by people. They will quickly discover nobody 
wants these things and will likely sell them off as “Cichlasoma spp.” 

A huge article could be written with our views on this matter. People 
who regularly visit Malawi Cichlid Homepage or The Cichlid Fishes of 
Lake Malawi, Africa know what we believe in and definitely understand 
that we could only be against these hybrids. Dr. Ron Coleman, a 
specialist in fish breeding has already published an excellent article 
on this matter in his website and we asked for his permission to 
reprint it here, for your information. Please use this page as a 
reference whenever you meet somebody thinking of acquiring 
those “freaks.” 

Dr. Ron Coleman’s article reads as follows: 

      The creation (deliberate or accidental) of hybrids is an 
important and controversial issue with cichlid aquarists. Here are my 
Quite frequently, an aquarist will write me to describe how two of his 
or her cichlids have spawned, but the surprising thing is that the 
aquarist thought the fish were two different species. The question 
typically goes something like this: “My male species 1 just spawned 
with my female species 2. Have you ever heard of this, and what should 
I do to raise the kids?” Other variants include “Will I get rich 
selling these?” and “What would be their proper name?” 

These questions raise some interesting and deep philosophical and 
ethical questions. I will address these issues by trying to answer some 
of the specific questions. 

First, some terms. “Hybrid” refers to the result of mating a male of 
one species with a female of another species. We often call 
this “crossing” two species. 

1. Have I ever heard of this before? 

This is easy to answer. Yes I have. Hybrids are quite common in the 
cichlid hobby. Almost any Central American cichlid will hybridize with 
any other. Many of the mbuna (rock dwelling cichlids from Lake Malawi) 
will hybridize with each other. I have even heard of a mouthbrooder 
hybridizing with a substrate-spawning cichlid. So, hybridization is not 

2. Does this occur in the wild? 

This is difficult to support with data, but from my observations in the 
field in Central America, and from what I have read and heard from 
fellow cichlid researchers working elsewhere, hybrids are very rare in 
the wild. Surprisingly, two species of fishes which together in the 
wild will not hybridize, will do so in an aquarium quite readily. 

3. Will I get rich producing hybrids? 

No. In fact, you will find that most advanced cichlid hobbyists have an 
active dislike for hybrids (and to be honest, for the people that 
produce them). 

Every now and then someone produces a new “wonder” fish by hybridizing 
two species and they may even sell some. In the end, however, this 
person usually finds themselves shunned by the rest of the cichlid 
aquarist community and worse yet, the person gets a bad reputation even 
if they stop producing hybrids: their future actions are always 
suspect. A bad reputation is an extremely difficult thing to change. 

4. What is the proper scientific name of a hybrid? 

Hybrids do not get a new scientific name, in other words, you cannot 
create a new species by hybridization in your fish tank. 

If you crossed a Texas cichlid, Herichthys cyanoguttatus with a 
convict, Archocentrus nigrofasciatus, the most correct name to use 
would be Hericthys cyanoguttatus × Archocentrus nigrofasciatus, i.e. 
the two names joined by a ×. 

For those who are really up on their biology, what I have said here is 
only partly true. We now know that many species of plants in the wild, 
and potentially some animals as well, are actually the result of 
hybridization in the wild. However, as far as we know at this point, 
this has not occurred with cichlids in the wild. 

5. Why are hybrids so bad? 

Hybrids are bad for several reasons at many different levels. 

At a philosophical level, many people dislike hybrids because the 
creation of hybrids is a kind of arrogance on behalf of people, namely 
some sort of deep-rooted feeling that we can improve upon nature. These 
people, myself included, feel that with 1500+ species of cichlids in 
the wild, we don't need to go creating yet another kind just because we 
can. Furthermore, the ability to create “designer” organisms has a way 
of cheapening the beauty and wonder of real organisms. 

On a very practical level, hybrids create enormous problems for fellow 
fish-keepers, problems that may last for a long time and become 
intractable. Imagine you cross (make a hybrid) between two species of 
Central American cichlid, e.g. a convict and a Texas cichlid. You know 
they are hybrids and you keep them in a tank separate from other 
cichlids. But over time, events cause this tightly controlled situation 
to get out of hand. 

One of the hybrids may jump into another tank (this happens quite 
often; ask anyone who maintains a large fish room). 

You might sell or give away some of the hybrids and the recipient may 
not know or remember that the fish is in fact a hybrid. People often 
bring fish back to pet stores or sell them at auctions and so the 
hybrid nature of the fish can easily get lost along the way. 

The first generation of hybrids (called F1 hybrids) are often easy to 
spot; they look like a mixture of the two parent species. If two of 
these F1 hybrids go on to mate, or if one of them is mated to either of 
the parent species, the offspring (F2 hybrids) create the real 
problems. Why? Because F2 individuals may look like almost anything in 
between the two parent species, up to and including looking like either 
of the parent species. This is a disaster waiting to happen because it 
means that now you have a fish that looks like a certain species but 
doesn't have all the right genes for that species. 

Now imagine what happens when these offspring grow up and get back into 
the mainstream of the hobby. A person (potentially you) buys what looks 
like a convict cichlid at your local pet store. You are unaware that 
the fish is actually an F2 convict × Texas cross brought in a week ago 
by someone else. The person who sold the fish to the store forgot to 
mention that point (we will assume they forgot accidentally, but since 
most reputable pet stores will not knowingly carry hybrids, some 
people “forget” to mention that the fish are hybrids since they look 
like convicts anyway). 

Now you put your new convict in with your other convict and for some 
strange reason, they never reproduce successfully. Or they do reproduce 
and the kids look kind of strange. Now you have a bunch more hybrids 
that you have to deal with. 

6. Dealing with hybrids 

The solution here is simple. Destroy them immediately. If you have a 
difficult time killing a bunch of hybrid eggs, imagine how difficult it 
will be for you to kill them when they are cute little fry or even 
young adults. This is a responsibility you take on when you keep fish 
and you should take it seriously. 

Under absolutely no circumstances should you pass hybrids to someone 
else unless they are to be used as feeder fish. 

7. How can I avoid getting hybrids? 

Probably the best way to avoid getting hybrids in the first place is to 
purchase your fish from a reputable dealer and avoid buying fish from a 
tank labelled “Mixed African Cichlids.” The latter is usually a 
telltale sign that the dealer doesn't know what the fish actually are. 


Avoid hybrids. 

I find it incredibly reassuring that cichlid hobbyists have taken and 
do continue to take such a strong stance against hybrids. This is not 
the case in many other animal-related fields. Because of this attitude 
amongst cichlid keepers, you can go into a pet store in most any part 
of the world and be reasonably assured that the cichlid you are buying 
and bringing home is in fact a representative of a real cichlid 
species. That is truly remarkable. 

 r. Michael Oliver adds the following: 

      All the other contributors have already expressed most of the 
same opinions and arguments that I would make. Let me add only a few 
additional points. 
Another manifestation of the urge to “improve” on the products of 
billions of years of evolution is the pratice of injecting glassfish 
and glass catfish with fluorescent dyes to make “painted glassfish.” 
These “decorations” often live only a few months; long enough to sell 
them to unsuspecting, unsophisticated buyers. Not hybrids, but from the 
same misguided mindset! 
A less extreme form of artificial hybrid than the “Blood Parrot” is a 
much larger problem in relation to Lake Malawi cichlids — namely, the 
simple hybrid carelessly produced because an aquarist keeps a male 
cichlid without appropriate conspecific females, and it manages to 
interbreed with a female of something else. As Ron noted about 
neotropical cichlids, so too in Lake Malawi; the actual species are 
hard enough to distinguish and characterize, without producing 
intermediates! I fully agree that hybrid cichlids should be destroyed, 
or, at very least, should never be sold, given away, traded, or allowed 
to breed. 
One artifical hybrid Malawi cichlid that is currently (alas!) becoming 
widespread in the hobby is the “Aulonocara Marmalade Cat” 
or “Aulonocara `bicolor'.” While striking in appearance, these are, I 
suspect, never found in the wild. They appear to be a hybrid between 
some anonymous “peacock” (of the “Hap” flock) and a member of the Mbuna 
flock; only species of the latter flock ever express “OB” genes in 
I want to reiterate a point made by the other authors here.  Cichlids 
probably outnumber gobies as the largest, most diverse of all 
vertebrate animal families. There are something like 1500 different 
species of cichlids, including such breathtaking, naturally occurring 
beauties as the rare and wonderful Labeotropheus trewavasae at right, a 
so-called “marmalade cat” male, which shows the marbled blotching 
of “OB” genes usually only expressed in females. To paraphrase Samuel 
Johnson's famous remark about London: When a person is tired of natural 
cichlid diversity, he is tired of life (and should get one!), for there 
is in the Cichlidae all the variety that life can afford. 
A final observation: This article concentrates chiefly on intentionally 
selected, heavily promoted, hybrids between fishes of different species 
or genera; hybrids whose creators often seek to exaggerate some natural 
feature of a cichlid to grotesque proportions. We have to admit that 
such an enterprise is nothing new, and is accepted and admired in some 
cultures. Bizarrely selected goldfish are an ancient tradition in 
China; think of such monstrosities as the “celestial telescope 
goldfish,” with huge, bloated, upwardly turned eyes that are prone to 
injury as the hapless fish swims into obstacles. Think of certain dog 
breeds, selected for centuries in Asia and Europe to have deformed 
heads with squashed-in muzzles; dogs of these breeds routinely suffer 
from chronic respiratory problems. No, arrogance in shaping living 
creatures to suit human whim and greed is nothing new. This species of 
conceit is skewered by a Web page purporting to sell kittens 
grotesquely shaped by confinement in glass bottles. Although 
horrifying, this idea appears, to many people, only slightly more 
unlikely than the awful things actually done to misshape living 
animals. Many people, therefore, don't realize that the “bonsai 
kittens” are a hoax designed to satirize precisely this attitude of 
distorting living creatures and turning them into a commodity. I have 
little doubt that some idiot is hard at work right now on introducing a 
gene for bioluminescence into cichlids and is dreaming of making a 
fortune selling “Living Night-Lights.” 


Please also look at Ron Coleman’s page on another well-known hybrid, 
the parrot cichlids. If you want a less-restrained discourse on 
hybrids, take a look at Philippe Burnel's Museum of Horrors web page 
(in French). 

 his article is a joint effort of Dr. Ron Coleman (Cichlid Research 
Home Page), Dr. Michael K. Oliver (The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, 
Africa), and the Authors of Malawi Cichlid Homepage to inform people 
about the true story behind those “freaks.” It is also meant to draw 
attention to the fact that if nobody would buy them, those breeders 
would never produce them. It is then your duty to spread this article 
to as many people as possible. Because, in the end, the only rational 
answer to the question “Who needs another Hybrid?” is “Nobody!”   


 Last Update: 30 June 2001 
Web Author: M. K. Oliver, Ph.D. 
Copyright © 1997-2002 by M. K. Oliver - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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