I'm glad you brought this up.  I just had a lengthy chat with "UNI", an 11
year old (according to him anyway) cheater on the OGC IRC channel.  He said
PharLap was correct to blame me for the DOS attack, because I suggested it
on the hlds list, even though I wasn't the one who did it.

I will say, however, that turn about is fair play.  I suggested someone DOS
the OGC site, so Phar Lap suggested that his users mail flood me (albeit
with plausible deniability, which coincidentally UNI had never heard of).
Then some hlds members DOS'd OGC (rofl), and then the OGC users mail bombed
me.  I can't say I don't have a sense of humor about it, as I actually find
it kind of amusing.

It did teach me a couple of things though, which surprised me:

1.  I never actually thought admins would be morally capable of DOS'ing a
2.  Cheaters apparently don't consider cheating morally wrong (which may be
unsurprising to many)

I would have assumed that people who cheat (games, life) know that it's
wrong, but just do it anyway, because it fulfulls some need.  Maybe I was
mistaken.  Something I found odd though, is that when I questioned some of
them about why they cheat, I got the feeling they just would not come clean.
One said, I got bored with CS.  Another said its just fun.  But when I asked
them WHY it was fun, they ran around in circles tyring to dodge that
question.  So, maybe they DO know cheating is morally wrong after all, and
they're attempting to hide it.

Who knows....

All I know is that I'll enjoy my CS much more when the cheaters are all
gone, and I'm playing once again against human skill, and not AI.

P.S.  While in the OGC IRC channel, a number of people kept getting booted
with OGC 10.1b.  So, it looks like Valve currently has the upper hand!

rcon admin at:
Beer for Breakfast servers        <http://bfb.bogleg.org/> (CS multi-map) (DoD) (CS militia/dust2)            Dallas, TX

> Woah boy... calm down now...
> Stan didn't attack their server.
> He made a suggestion as to a possible method of disrupting
> them. If you'd
> actually go back and read the actual message and the thread
> that followed,
> you'd know he wasn't going to do it. Might not have been the
> brightest post,
> but he never said he was going to, nor did he tell the rest
> of us to do it.
> There are probably several hundred people on both of these
> mailing lists,
> even though maybe a few dozen post actively. So now you're
> going to hold
> Stan responsible for what other people do?
> If I make the suggestion that someone should drown all the corporate
> officers of the RIAA, and someone hear reads it and then does
> it; does that
> mean I'm culpable for murder? I think not.
> Use your brain.

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