At 06:25 AM 7/20/2005 -0700, James wrote:

>IMO that defeats the point of such a system. The idea of an autorate
>system is to remove control from the users who have bad habits such as
>not reading docs and looking at forums filled with incorrect
>information. Furthermore if we are looking to balance the game in
>terms of making the netcode more fair for every user (the knowledgable
>and the not so) then you don't want it to be disabled ever. It needs
>to either work fully, or not, otherwise it's just an increase in the
>general mess.

        I think we're approaching this from different positions.
My contention is that if the server sends out rate codes to the
client that would tell it to adjust to better optimize its rates
to the present server conditions, that would equalize things.
Whereas if clients stayed set at their defaults they could never
exceed the max rates, would be above the min rates if server
conditions took them there, and since server-side rates are
fixed at best they could only hope to approach an optimal
rate combination outside of a LAN environment.  The server sets
the rates, the clients either adjust or get sub-optimal in
some way.

>It's not just your idea (been working on this idea for some time
>myself, including developing a test case in a local distributed hash
>table system where it attempts to never swamp a gateway with data).

        I was being sarcastic, but don't get your hopes up on a
patent.  It's been done already on video-over-ip applications
with regards to rate and latency, and as part of the protocols.
It may not have been done in a video game, so there is still some
wiggle-room on the patent if you're after one.

        All that does not at all change the fact that if Valve wants
to send boatloads of cash my way I will be receptive, but if it
makes anybody feel better I've absolutely no expectation of it.

* Dan Sorenson      DoD #1066      A.H.M.C. #35     [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* Vikings?  There ain't no vikings here.  Just us honest farmers.   *
* The town was burning, the villagers were dead.  They didn't need  *
* those sheep anyway.  That's our story and we're sticking to it.   *

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