Fine by me, but I don't remember making any significant progress. Good luck!
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 16:04 John Harrison <> wrote:

> Petros writes:
> | I have gone through some of the results of the (now almost 10yo!)
> | POPLmark challenge and subsequent papers, and I am aware of the
> | existing HOAS and Nominal libraries in Coq and/or Isabelle. Has
> | anything related been done in HOL Light or HOL4?
> Sean McLaughlin made some sort of start on a nominal package for HOL
> Light, but I don't think it was ever completed. I have some of the
> existing code, which I hope Sean would not mind my sharing. I've
> copied him on this message in case he has anything to add.
> John.
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