Re: [Hol-info] Opening theories without output

2016-05-31 Thread Anthony Fox
I use Ramana’s HOL mode for Vim, shortcut “hl”. That makes use of HOL_Interactive.toggle_quietdec For example, you can do > HOL_Interactive.toggle_quietdec(); > open prim_recTheory pairTheory listTheory rich_listTheory; > open ... > HOL_Interactive.toggle_quietdec(); The advantage of the Vim

Re: [Hol-info] Translating HOL4 function to SML

2016-05-27 Thread Anthony Fox
A starting point might be to use the function real_to_arbrat in binary_ieeeLib. For example, the following is one method to get a result: fun arbrat_to_math_real x = Real./ (Real.fromInt (Arbint.toInt (Arbrat.numerator

Re: [Hol-info] About Binary Relations

2016-02-05 Thread Anthony Fox
Your original goal seemed to be just an instance of pred_setTheory.SUBSET_REFL |- !s. s SUBSET s Are you actually trying to prove: !A. IMAGE FST (A CROSS A) SUBSET A ? If so, you could have: Q.prove( `!A. IMAGE FST (A CROSS A) SUBSET A`, simp [pred_setTheory.SUBSET_DEF] \\ metis_tac

Re: [Hol-info] Holmake Problem

2015-12-04 Thread Anthony Fox
As an alternative workaround, you could edit the files in the src/floating-point directory to remove the dependency on PackRealBig. For example, you could try commenting out the lines val floatToReal : term -> real val wordToReal : term -> real val realToFloat : real -> term val

Re: [Hol-info] Proving with existentially quantified variable: Can witnesses be generated automatically for finite sets?

2014-06-28 Thread Anthony Fox
library) also support the generation of witnesses for such theorems? Thank you! Regards, Jiaqi On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Anthony Fox wrote: The tactic ACCEPT_TAC (blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE ``?r:word8. 100w ≤₊ r + 251w ∧ r + 251w ₊ 200w

Re: [Hol-info] How long should it take to build examples/machine-code?

2014-04-05 Thread Anthony Fox
I think it’s more likely that there was a problem with building minisat under the latest Mac OS. To check that it is installed, try going to the directory HOL/src/HolSat/sat_solvers/minisat There should be a binary “minisat” there. Alternatively, to make sure it is working properly, you can

Re: [Hol-info] How long should it take to build examples/machine-code?

2014-04-05 Thread Anthony Fox
-code/ (exited with code 1) However, I do have compiler_demoScript.sml in examples/machine-code/compiler/demo. Thanks, Jiaqi On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Anthony Fox wrote: I think it’s more likely that there was a problem with building minisat under the latest Mac

Re: [Hol-info] Find the precedence and fixity

2014-02-10 Thread Anthony Fox
How about term_grammar.get_precedence (Parse.term_grammar()) ? On 10 Feb 2014, at 09:35, Ramana Kumar wrote: Is there a way to find the precedence/fixity information about a token in the term grammar that is better than using Parse.term_grammar() and sifting

Re: [Hol-info] Assigning functions/operations in L3

2014-01-13 Thread Anthony Fox
Hi Oliver, Yes, the approach of the former ARMv7 model doesn’t translate naturally to the new L3 setting. That is, it’s not possible to call co-processor “hook” functions within the L3 specification itself. I can think of two options: 1. If you want to model a specific co-processor then it’s

Re: [Hol-info] More on set comprehensions

2013-12-30 Thread Anthony Fox
Rob, On 29 Dec 2013, at 21:26, Rob Arthan wrote: The code for HOL4 set abstractions says that the bound variables of a set abstraction {t | p} are the intersection of the free variables of t and p unless either side has no free vars, in which case the bound variables

Re: [Hol-info] Array's in proof

2013-04-11 Thread Anthony Fox
Just to add to Konrad’s e-mail. There is a list “write operation in listTheory — it is defined as follows: (∀e n. LUPDATE e n [] = []) ∧ (∀e x l. LUPDATE e 0 (x::l) = e::l) ∧ ∀e n x l. LUPDATE e (SUC n) (x::l) = x::LUPDATE e n l Other representation choices include: - functions of type :

Re: [Hol-info] Question about wordTheory

2013-03-04 Thread Anthony Fox
Hi Hamed, Yes, the side-condition n dimindex (:α) is redundant. I’ve updated this theorem accordingly. To get a theorem with no side-conditions we can introduce a MOD: wordsTheory.n2w_DIV | Q.SPEC `a MOD dimword(:'a)` | SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [wordsTheory.n2w_mod] | GEN_ALL val it = |-

Re: [Hol-info] list computations

2013-02-27 Thread Anthony Fox
Note quite sure how you got to 48 lines. I think only a single call to SRW_TAC (or lcsymtacs.lrw) is needed. val thm = Q.prove( `TAKE (LENGTH bvs + 1) (REVERSE bvs ++ h:: (blvs ++ [benv; x] ++ REVERSE args0 ++ [cl0] ++ st)) ++ DROP (LENGTH args0 + (LENGTH blvs +

Re: [Hol-info] HOL4's ARM model- Output Simplification.

2013-01-28 Thread Anthony Fox
Hi Hamed, I’m assuming that your example comes from using the tool arm_random_testingLib.arm_step_updates. If you wish to manipulate these terms then you can do so using HOL4’s collection of syntax functions (e.g. see Term, boolSyntax and wordsSyntax). These libraries can be used to destruct

Re: [Hol-info] emitLib

2012-03-25 Thread Anthony Fox
To reconstruct the datatype you can use EmitTeX.datatype_thm_to_string, which is documented. Anthony On 22 Mar 2012, at 09:14, Michael Norrish wrote: Unfortunately there isn't any documentation for emitLib. If you figure anything out, patches fixing this situation would be gratefully

Re: [Hol-info] Inconsistencies in wordsTheory, or stupidity on my part?

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony Fox
Hi, This appears to be a bug in METIS_TAC. It should fail but it instead returns a legitimate theorem - just one with inconsistent hypotheses. This appears to relate to the fact that METIS_TAC is at heart a first-order prover, which doesn't fit in with the types/theorems in wordsTheory. Joe

Re: [Hol-info] How can I correct the definition about the submatrix?

2010-11-26 Thread Anthony Fox
Hi, I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're trying to define. If you're just after the matrix that is matrix A with row i and column j removed then you could define this as follows: val dsyz_matrix = Define` dszy_matrix (A:('n,'n) matrix) (i:num) (j:num) : ('n sub1,'n sub1)

Re: [Hol-info] How can I correct the type?

2010-10-12 Thread Anthony Fox
Hi, My guess for the correct definition is: val det = Define` det (A:('n ,'n) matrix) = sigma (\p. (sign (dimindex(:'n)) p) * (product (1n, dimindex(:'n)) (\(k:num). (A ' k ' (p (k:real)) { (p:num - num) | permutes (dimindex(:'n)) p}`;

Re: [Hol-info] word inequality tac?

2009-12-13 Thread Anthony Fox
wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_EQ_ss doesn't do very much. It simply performs the conversion x = y |- x - y = 0w but it does not simplify x - y. It is expected to be used in combination with wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_ss, which is included in the stateful simpset srw_ss() but not in std_ss. The simpsets

Re: [Hol-info] word inequality tac?

2009-12-12 Thread Anthony Fox
One option is simpLib.SIMP_PROVE (srw_ss()++wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_EQ_ss) [] ``(p:bool[32]) + 0x4w p + 0x8w``; Anthony. On 12 Dec 2009, at 00:21, Lu Zhao wrote: Hi, I have an inequality proof: ``(p:bool[32]) + 0x4w p + 0x8w`` How should I proceed to prove it? Lu

Re: [Hol-info] HOL problem

2009-12-12 Thread Anthony Fox
You could use Globals.max_print_depth := 10; (try: help max_print_depth). You could also do val _ = time defCNF.DEF_CNF_VECTOR_CONV ``my BIG input``; which will perform the computation, giving you the time, but then throw away the result. Anthony. On 11 Dec 2009, at 14:14, Khaza Anuarul

Re: [Hol-info] convert an SML int variable into a word32 term?

2009-04-15 Thread Anthony Fox
The second parameter is the word length. For example: wordsSyntax.mk_word (Arbnum.fromInt 0xA, Arbnum.fromInt 32) For convenience, there is also wordsSyntax.mk_wordi (Arbnum.fromInt 0xA, 32) and wordsSyntax.mk_wordii (0xA, 32) Be aware that Mosml integers are 31 bits wide. For example: -

Re: [Hol-info] HOL newbie question on lemma rewrites

2008-12-29 Thread Anthony Fox
The theorem n2w_w2n |- !w. n2w (w2n w) = w cannot be applied in ``n2w (w2n w) = v`` when w and v do not have the same length, which is the case in your goal. For proving things about ``a @@ b``, I would recommend using the latest HOL snapshot. I'm assuming that you're using the latest

Re: [Hol-info] EVAL not EVALing as expected

2007-11-16 Thread Anthony Fox
T) F F - EVAL ``(update (update not T T) F F) T```; |- (update (update not T T) F F) T = T Some examples of rewrites for sorting updates can be found in $HOLDIR/ examples/ARM/v4T/updateScript.sml. These are used in arm_evalLib.sml. Anthony Fox. On 16 Nov 2007, at 16:01, Bingham, Jesse D