**    Final Call for Papers: FACS 2019
**    16th International Conference on
**  Formal Aspects of Component Software
**      23-25 October 2019, Amsterdam
**         http://facs2019.org


 * Deadline extension -- abstracts: 5 July; papers: 12 July
 * Special issue Science of Computer Programming confirmed


Component-based software development proposes sound engineering principles and 
techniques to cope with the complexity of present-day software systems. 
However, many challenging conceptual and technological issues remain in 
component-based software development theory and practice. Furthermore, the 
advent of service-oriented and cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, and the 
Internet of Things has brought to the fore new dimensions, such as quality of 
service and robustness to withstand faults, which require revisiting 
established concepts and developing new ones.

FACS 2019 is concerned with how formal methods can be applied to 
component-based software and system development. Formal methods have provided 
foundations for component-based software through research on mathematical 
models for components, composition and adaptation, and rigorous approaches to 
verification, deployment, testing, and certification.


 * Wan Fokkink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
 * Carlo Ghezzi (Polytechnic University of Milan)
 * Kim Larsen (Aalborg University)


 * Abstract: 5 July 2019
 * Paper: 12 July 2019
 * Notification: 30 August 2019
 * Conference: 23-25 October 2019

All deadlines are AoE.


The conference seeks to address the application of formal methods in all 
aspects of software components and services. Specific topics include, but are 
not limited to:

 * formal models for software components and their interaction;
 * formal aspects of services, service-oriented architectures, business 
processes, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, and 
similar artifacts;
 * design and verification methods for software components and services;
 * composition and deployment: models, calculi, languages;
 * formal methods and modeling languages for components and services;
 * (behavioral) type systems for components and services;
 * models for QoS and other extra-functional properties (e.g., trust, 
compliance, security) of components and services;
 * components for real-time, safety-critical, secure, and/or embedded systems;
 * components for the Internet of things and cyber-physical systems;
 * probabilistic techniques for modeling and verification of component-based 
 * model-based testing of components and services;
 * case studies and experience reports;
 * tools supporting formal methods for components and services.


We solicit submissions related to the topics mentioned above in the following 

 * A – full papers: original research, applications and experiences, surveys 
(18 pages max, excluding references);
 * B – short papers: tools and demonstrations, new ideas and emerging results, 
position papers (6 pages max, excluding references);
 * C – journal-first papers (2 pages).

All submissions in categories A and B must be original, unpublished, and not 
submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. Submissions in category C 
must be 2-page abstracts of journal papers published after January 1st, 2018. 
The objective of journal-first papers is to offer FACS attendees a richer 
program and further opportunities for interaction. Authors of published papers 
in high-quality journals can submit a proposal to present their journal paper 
at FACS. The journal paper must adhere to the following criteria:

 * It should be clearly in the scope of FACS.
 * It should be recent: only journal papers available after January 1st, 2018 
(online or paper) can be presented.
 * It reports new research results that significantly extend prior work. As 
such, the journal paper does not simply extend prior work with material 
presented for completeness only (such as omitted proofs, algorithms, minor 
enhancements, or empirical results).
 * It has not been presented at, and is not under consideration for, 
journal-first programs of other similar conferences or workshops.
 * Journal-first submissions must be marked as such in EasyChair, and they must 
explicitly include pointers to the journal publication (such as a DOI).


Paper submission is done via EasyChair at: 
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=facs2019. Each paper will be reviewed 
by at least three PC members and evaluated in terms of novelty, importance, 
evidence, and clarity.

The post-proceedings of FACS 2019 will be published as a volume of LNCS; it 
consists of accepted papers in categories A and B. Authors should consult 
Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for 
LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages 
authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding 
author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, 
must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author 
signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the 
paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the 
authorship of the papers cannot be made.

A special issue of Science of Computer Programming on FACS 2019 will be 
published by Elsevier. After the conference, authors of select papers will be 
invited to submit an extended version for inclusion.


Farhad Arbab, CWI and Leiden University
Sung-Shik Jongmans, Open University and CWI


Kyungmin Bae, Pohang University of Science and Technology
Christel Baier, TU Dresden
Luís Soares Barbosa, INESC TEC and University of Minho
Simon Bliudze, INRIA Lille
Roberto Brunik, University of Pisa
Luís Cruz-Filipe, University of Southern Denmark
José Luiz Fiadeiro, Royal Holloway, University of London
Mohamad Jaber, American University of Beirut
Olga Kouchnarenko, University of Franche-Comté
Ivan Lanese, University of Bologna
Kung-Kiu Lau, University of Manchester
Zhiming Liu, Southwest University
Markus Lumpe, Swinburne University of Technology
Eric Madelaine, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Mieke Massink, CNR ISTI
Hernán Melgratti, University of Buenos Aires
Fabrizio Montesi, University of Southern Denmark
Peter Csaba Ölveczky, University of Oslo
Catuscia Palamidessi, INRIA Saclay and LIX
José Proença, CISTER
Jorge Pérez, University of Groningen
Gwen Salaün, Université Grenoble Alpes and INRIA Grenoble
Francesco Santini, University of Perugia
Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa
Anton Wijs, Eindhoven University of Technology
Shoji Yuen, Nagoya University
Min Zhang, East China Normal University
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