     I am working with HOL4. 
     I am going to prove
     g`!p q. (LENGTH p = LENGTH q) 
                                         ==> !l m n .
           TAKE n (TAKE m (CX l p q) ++ DROP m (CX l q p)) ++
           DROP n (TAKE m (CX l q p) ++ DROP m (CX l p q)) =
           TAKE m (TAKE n (CX l p q) ++ DROP n (CX l q p)) ++
           DROP m (TAKE n (CX l q p) ++ DROP n (CX l p q)) `;
     Where the definition of CX is 
        val CX_def = Define`
   (CX [] p q = p) ??
   (CX (x::xs) p q =
   TAKE x (CX xs p q) ++
   DROP x (CX xs q p))`;

     Inorder to use TAKE_APPEND1, TAKE_APPEND2,   DROP_APPEND1 and 
DROP_APPEND2. I need to add the nesessary assumptions. After some steps, I got
 > val it =
     TAKE n (TAKE m (CX l p q) ++ DROP m (CX l q p)) ++
    DROP n (TAKE m (CX l q p) ++ DROP m (CX l p q)) =
    TAKE m (TAKE n (CX l p q) ++ DROP n (CX l q p)) ++
    DROP m (TAKE n (CX l q p) ++ DROP n (CX l p q))
      0.  p IN d
      1.  q IN d
      2.  LENGTH p = LENGTH q
      3.  LENGTH (CX l p q) = LENGTH p
      4.  LENGTH (CX l q p) = LENGTH q
      5.  LENGTH (CX l p q) = LENGTH (CX l q p)
      6.  m <= LENGTH p
      7.  n <= LENGTH p
      8.  m <= n
      9.  m <= LENGTH (TAKE n (CX l p q))
     It had been proved that (!p  m n . (m<=n) ==> ((LENGTH (TAKE m p)) <= n)), 
named "TAKE_LENGTH_NLESS1". So, I printed
     e(`(LENGTH (TAKE m (CX l p q)) <= n)` by PROVE_TAC [TAKE_LENGTH_NLESS1]);
    But it failed. The strange thing is that, "9.  m <= LENGTH (TAKE n (CX l p 
q))" was added through 
    e(`m <= (LENGTH (TAKE n (CX l p q)))` by PROVE_TAC [TAKE_LENGTH_LESS]);
    Where TAKE_LENGTH_LESS is  (!p m n . ((m<=LENGTH p) /\ (m<=n)) ==> 
(m<=(LENGTH (TAKE n p)))).
     Why can't it  work in the same way?Does anyone know the reason?
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