[Apologies for multiple postings]


1st International Workshop on Formal to Practical Software Verification and 
Composition (VeryComp 2016)

Co-located event of STAF 2016 (http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/) 
Wien, Austria - July 4th 2016

Web site: verycomp2016.disim.univaq.it


Paper submissions (extended): April 28, 2016
Notification of authors: May 25, 2016
Camera-ready copies: June 20, 2016


Nowadays, modern applications are increasingly realized as distributed systems 
composing existing pieces of software that autonomically cooperates to achieve 
a common goal. As a matter of fact, this calls for new software composition 
paradigms, and patterns, modeling and verification methods that are practical 
and usable on one hand and formal on the other. Despite the great interest in 
practical Software Composition and Formal Verification in their isolation, no 
common and integrated approaches have been established yet. VeryComp promotes 
contributions related to the subject at different levels: from modelling and 
verification to analysis, from componentization to composition. Foundational 
contributions as well as concrete application experiments are sought.

VeryComp 2016 welcomes research papers, experience papers and tool 
presentations; nevertheless, papers describing novel research contributions and 
innovative applications are of particular interest. Details on workshop goals 
and themes can be found at: http://verycomp2016.disim.univaq.it

All accepted papers will be published as part of a Springer LNCS Proceedings 
Volume (Lecture Notes in Computer Science): http://www.springer.com/lncs

Furthermore, selected participants will be invited to submit an extended 
version of their papers after the workshop to a Thematic Series of the Springer 
JISA journal on Verification and Composition for the Internet of Services and 
Things download the CfP - 

Each submitted paper will undergo a formal peer review process by at least 3 PC 
members. Contributions can be:

- Regular papers (maximum 12 pages): In this category fall those contributions 
which propose novel research contributions, address challenging  problems  with 
 innovative  ideas,  or  offer  practical contributions in the application of 
FM and SE approaches to software verification and composition. Regular papers 
should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the relevant state of 
the art, the position or solution suggested and the potential benefits of the 

- Short papers (maximum 8 pages): This category includes tool demonstrations, 
position papers, industrial experiences and case-studies, and visionary papers. 
Authors of papers reporting industrial experiences are encouraged to make their 
experimental results available for use by reviewers. Similarly, authors of tool 
demonstration papers should make their tool available for use by reviewers.

== Workshop Chairs ==

- Marco Autili, University of L’Aquila, Italy,
- Massimo Tivoli, University of L’Aquila, Italy,
- Luca Ferrucci, ISTI-CNR, Italy,
- Manuel Mazzara, Innopolis University, Russia,
- Davide Bresolin, DISI - Universitu of Bologna, Italy,
- Marcello Bersani, DEIB - Politecnico di Milano, Italy,
- Marisol Garcia-Valls, University Carlos III, Spain,

 == Program Committee ==
- Domenico Bianculli, Universitè du Luxembourg
- Stéphane Demri, NewYork University & CNRS, France
- Silvio Ghilardi, Università degli studi di Milano, Italy
- Nafees Qamar, Vanderbilt University, USA
- David Miguel Ramalho Pereira, Polytechnical School of Porto, Portugal
- Cesar Sanchez, IMDEA Software Institute, Spain
- Vincenzo Ciancia, ISTI-CNR, Italy
- Gwen Salaun, INRIA, Grenoble-Rhone-Alpes, France
- Guglielmo De Angelis, CNR-IASI/ISTI, Italy
- Paola Inverardi, University of L’Aquila, Italy
- Ivica Crnkovic, MaIardalen University, Sweden
- Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK
- Schahram Dustdar, University of Technology Wien, Austria
- Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Mauro Caporuscio, Linnaeus University, Sweden
- Nikolaos Georgantas, INRIA, France
- Salvatore Distefano, Università di Messina, Italy
- Victor Rivera, Innopolis University, Russia
- Pascal Poizat, Paris Ouest University and LIP6, France
- Saad Mubeen, Mälardalen University, Sweden
- Hernan Melgratti, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Julio Medina, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
- Patricia Lago, VU University Amsterdam, Nederland
- Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Antonio Bucchiarone, FBK-IRST, Italy
- Antonio Brogi, Università di Pisa, Italy
- Amel Bennaceur, The Open University, UK
- Carlo Bellettini, Università degli studi di Milano, Italy

== Web Chair & Publicity Chair ==

- Alexander Perucci, University of L'Aquila, Italy

== List of topics (not limited to) ==

- Specification and design of software composition models
- Formal verification and model checking of software integration code
- Service-oriented software composition
- Automated software composition and coordination
- Formal verification of self-adaptive systems
- Model-driven software composition
- Correct-by-construction software composition
- Communication middleware support for service oriented composition
- Formal verification and model checking of multi-agent systems

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