Hello everyone,

Professor Philippa Gardner (Imperial College London) is organising a
Royal Society Meeting on `Verified Trustworthy Software Systems’ on
4th-5th April with Mike Gordon (Cambridge), Greg Morrisett
(Harvard—>Cornell), Peter O’Hearn (Facebook) and Fred Schneider
(Cornell), and an associated two-day specialist workshop at Imperial
on 6th-7th April.

For the Royal Society meeting, the audience will comprise verification
experts, systems and security experts interested in verification,
industrialists using verification, and government scientists thinking
about verification challenges in cyber security and the certification
of software. For the specialist workshop at Imperial, the speakers and
audience will comprise verification, systems and security experts
(think Dagstuhl with many more people in the audience, the fun

The speakers are listed below. All details about the meetings can be
found at this link:


If interested in attending the meetings, please contact Teresa Carbajo
Garcia at t.carbajo-gar...@imperial.ac.uk. There are approximately 50
places left and we believe the demand will be high, so please contact
Teresa asap.

We have a few travel scolarships for PhD students: decisions on 11th
March (although get in touch with Teresa early to ensure a place). See
the webpage for details.

Best wishes,
Petar Maksimovic


The speakers for the Royal Society meeting include:

Dr Tom Ball, Dr Mark Batty, Professor Kathleen Fisher, Professor
Philippa Gardner, Dr Alexey Gotsman, Sir Tony Hoare FREng FRS,
Professor Gerwin Klein, Professor Daniel Kroening, Dr Xavier Leroy,
Professor Greg Morrisett, Professor Peter O’Hearn, Professor John
Regehr, Professor Fred Schneider, Professor J Strother Moore, Dr
George Varghese, Professor Nickolai Zeldovich.

The speakers for the specialist meeting at Imperial include:

Professor Michael Backes, Professor Lujo Bauer, Dr Cristian Cadar,
Professor Adam Chlipala, Dr Alastair Donaldson, Dr Derek Dreyer, Dr
Jérôme Feret, Dr Cédric Fournet, Dr Chris Hawblitzel, Professor Gernot
Heiser, Professor Warren Hunt, Dr John Launchbury, Professor Pasquale
Malacaria, Professor Heiko Mantel, Dr Michael Norrish, Professor
Andrei Sabelfeld, Professor Peter Sewell, Dr Alexandra Silva, Dr Anna
Slobodova, Dr Viktor Vafeiadis.

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