I had been having difficulty with a developed wolf
note (note that didn't want to speak-- a quiet wolf!),
the high F#.  I spent daily practice time trying to
get this note to speak.

Rachel advised me to check my bumper settings and also
to clean the horn.  In my case, water pressure
cleaning did the trick and the F# now plays like the
rest of the notes. So, thanks, Rachel.  I will no
longer need to humbly ask my colleagues to play my
exposed passages with the pesky F#'s.

More etilolgy on the specific culprit:  the cleaning
yielded a slightly white gelatinous mixture of valve
oil, slide grease and water emulsion that exited the
bell.  So, the material was likely lodged in the main
horn tubing section that connects the valves.  This is
where some of the valve oil-slide grease mixture
migrates over time.  The valve slides may have had the
material, too, but I didn't get to see what exited the slides.

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