We got dad back to the village.  Dr. Wagner's associate came in to discharge
him.  He didn't want to get discharged.  He appeared at death's door but
they released him anyway.  He wanted to wear the hospital gown and hospital
robe out but the aides dressed him---he also wanted an ambulance to take him
back to the village but that didn't fly either. He could barely stand while
in the hospital.  When we got him back to the Village the girls all made a
big fuss over him and by the time we left he was walking out of the bathroom
on his own with the walker.  Roy's daughter Barb called and the "death's
door" voice came out again for that conversation.  The old guy that was in
the next bed to him at the hospital, who also sat at his table at the
Village died this morning and dad heard the whole process so I know that was
upsetting for him too, but he was enjoying telling his other tablemate John
all about it when John came down to visit him right before we left his
room.  Wagner wrote on his discharge papers "allergic bronchitis" as the
diagnosis--the ER dr. had said he had pneumonia.  The discharge dr. set him
up for visiting home health care for a while to help get his strength back.
I'm sure he'll enjoy that.  He wanted a tray of food as soon as we got him
back to the village and he ate EVERY BIT.  That is all.....   i hope.....


Jonell Lindholm
Reisterstown, MD USA

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