Prof. Pizka,

I, for one, am saddened by the fact that none of
the news services here in the USA have given any
coverage of the interview you mentioned.  We, or at
least I, have never heard of the defection of the
son's double, nor of his statements. That's one
reason why I often listen to short wave radio.  It
gives me a better perspective of what the rest of
the world is thinking.

The prevailing information I hear is all slanted
towards going to war.  Local radio stations here in
the conservative south run station promo's several
times every hour with themes like, "Operation
Enduring Freedom," or "Gulf War Updates Every
Hour!"  We aren't even at war.  

Even the so called liberal press seems to be shying
away from most questioning of USA policy.  Those
few voices we do hear against the war are either
not given much coverage, or are made to look like
idiots by various commentators.  As much as I
respect Colin Powell, and feel he would make a
great president, his presentation to the United
Nations simply did not convince me that Sadam had
his sights on South Carolina in the next month. 

Being a Libra (the scales), I'd like to hear both
sides of the question, and I am not being given
that privledge.  Here in the USA we have something
called, "Talk Radio."  It is at least 90%
conservative, and here in the south none of the
moderate or more liberal shows are even broadcast. 
The local newspapers aren't much better.

I have not made up my mind about the war, yet, but
I do know that the USA does seem to be placing all
of its efforts into the middle east.  What about
Korea, or the crisis in South America?  There are
trouble spots in Africa, too.  Sadly, all of these
need our attention at the same time.

I'll stop preaching, now, and I'm sorry if I've
offended anyone.

Wilbert in SC
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