Steve Mumsford has really just said it best and hit
the nail on the head(hmm good pun?). I will expand a
bit more.....thanks Steve!!!!!!

Looking around you,  determined to connect with others
making music can and will help( it has always helped
me control adrenaline). Get into the music as much as
possible. "Losing yourself" as Steve says is very
important. Don't get too lost, and lose track in
rests. While serving as principal Horn of a large
Latin American orchestra, I would imagine the
performances we made was in the time of the composers 
The beauty of rehearsals with up and coming
conductors, striving for unique interpretations, other
conductors trying to achieve what the composer truly
intended made for a non-issue of the nerves when the
performances arrived. Not to mention the fact my job
was on the line every rehearsal and performance, that
will wake you up from just trying to play your part!!!
Having this artistic perspective helped me create more
inspired and original music. 

If you only care about "getting the notes" you will
suffer, and suffer for your whole career.... you have
to let it flow..... If anyone is into golf, Sergio
Garcia is in a putting slump, he is mechanical and
does not "let it flow" similar to music making, even
more applicable to the physical horn playing.

 I am a very accomplished performer and I don't suffer
from debilitating  nerves (anymore). Nerves? No, now
more like excitement to perform well and make music. 
The full adrenal rush, with all the original poster's
debilitating symptoms is not good for musical
performance.  No matter what anyone says if you want
to perform well, you must find a way to control these
symptoms. Use more performance, more skill, more
preparation,  become the performance fanatic... do
street performing if you have to. I practice outside
in public places... it helps and it may sound better
than a small dry room.

I know it is not enough to hear someone say, prepare
better, do yoga and meditation, but all these things
can and well help you "at the moment" when you need it

Good Luck!!!
Matthew Scheffelman

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