>>>One major benefit boasted by using a Schmid ring is the option to change
the bell size.  While, if I understand correctly, the change of bell size
isn't as drastic compared to other horns with similar size designations,
it's still enough to make a noticeable difference. 
But isn't the same thing similarly possible on an Alexander ring?  After
all, larger belled horns like the 8D use the same ring as smaller belled
geyer horns, don't they?  Is the difference in size more or less with an
Alexander ring VS. a Schmid ring?
The major benefit of an Alexander ring is that there are a lot more, and
generally less expensive, bells out there using an Alexander ring.  
So if I were able to change bell sizes as easily with an Alexander as I
could with a Schmid ring, wouldn't the Alex logically be the better choice?
That is, of course, assuming I could do just that.  

Could anyone out there enlighten me a bit?>>>

Chris, my experience is that 99% of the bells available on the market have
the Lawson/Alexander ring on them.  You are correct that the bell does make
a noticeable difference.  However, using a Schmid ring with a 'wide' or
'medium' flare does not change the bore of your horn.  Many people think
that putting on a large flare means they now have a large bore horn (a la
8D).  My suggestion is to go with the standard Lawson ring, and then you
also have the choices of different metals!   (Ambronze, Nickel, gold brass,
and even solid silver!).  Usually a bell is cut for practical reasons more
than 'sound' reasons, however cutting a bell does help make the horn a more
efficient sound producer. Another reason for going with the Lawson rings is
one of cost, and availability.  Lawson rings are far less expensive and can
be installed by many of the 'high end' shops across the country, versus the
Schmid ring which is available only through a Schmid distributor.


"Just Put Your Lips Together And Blow...."
US Dealer:  Kuhn Horns & Bonna Cases
Pope Instrument Repair
80 Wenham Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

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