This happened perhaps twenty years ago.  At the
time I was playing first horn with the Spartanburg,
SC Symphony, and Hanson's Second Symphony, the
"Romantic," was on the program, along with an
overture and a piano concerto.

I had sent my tux the to cleaners, picked it up,
and was getting dressed at 7 pm, only to find that
the cleaners had forgotten to return my bow tie.  I
frantically drove all over town, and finally
persuaded one store,just closed, to open again and
sell me a tie.  I arrived at the hall with five
minutes to spare, and parked in the first spot I
saw.  I ran in, sat in my chair, no warm up, and
played the best I have ever played in my life.  In
fact the whole orchestra seems to have been turned
on that night, and musically it was a first class
experience.  What a horn section!

After the concert, I found that my car had been
towed for improper parking, along with about twenty
other player's cars.  It seems that many of us were
running late that night, and the adrenain really
must have been pumping due to the time factor.  We
each had to pay $125 to get our cars returned.

I got back home, only to find that my bow tie had
been in my coat pocket all the time.  The cleaners
had forgotten to tell me where it was.

I've always wondered if the performance would have
gone as well as it did if it had been a "normal"

Wilbert in SC
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