Thanks, Tony. (and to all who have replied, on- and off-list)

While using "Mail", hyperlinks display as hyperlinks in the text as I write (I paste them in), and in mails that I receive. I hadn't realised this might not be true for recipients too.

However, I DO get a lot of the "=20" type noise in incoming mail (digest version) from this list, especially quotations from previous posts. Is it something to do with making up into a digest? BTW, the URLs in the mail I get from Yahoo groups also has the URLs hyperlinked only to about the 20th character. Is this related?
I've just checked my Edit menu (and all the others too) and find no mention of "Add Hyperlink." not even greyed out. This is version 1.3.11 (v622/624) .

Last question:
Did you read my previous post giving the NEW URL without capitals or spaces? I suspect I updated the site while you were typing, so we may have got crossed lines here. The location with the original address no longer exists and the only one you can find is the latest version, as in your post.

Thanks for bothering, and any further comments or advice will be most welcome.


On 2007/10/08, at 2:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

message: 8
date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 17:15:11 -0700
from: Tony Armendariz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: [Hornlist] Hyperlinks

Hi All,

 From Mac iMail, if you insert the URL with Edit->Add Hyperlink...,
get a real hyperlink in your email. The following link works.

There's an equivalent hyperlink command in XP/Outlook but it's at
work and I'm home.

Inserting URLs as hyperlinks will probably get rid of the %20 and =20
noise. If you were to manually edit these and
include ...englishtop.html in the url field, it will also work.

But lets all use Add Hyperlink (or XP equiv) for sharing URLs.

Regards, Tony

Tony Armendariz

On Sat 6-Oct-2007, at 10:00 :16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

date: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 00:17:35 +0900
from: Simon Varnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: [Hornlist] RE:Website advice please! (HR)

"Meister Werksta=A8tte" : Horn Restoration and Repairs again already!

Wow! I've had a response already, and it seems some are having
problems =20=

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