I'm hoping that some of you might get a good
chuckle out of the following news from my fair

The following Valentine's Day ad appeared in the
February 12th issue of "The State" Newspaper from
Columbia, SC, our state capital.  Section C, page

"Buy a Gunny for your Honey!  Super Special
$434.99.  Ammo Sale - 1,000 round case just $79.80.
 Huge shipment of used guns has arrived."

Our former Governor, (called "Elmer Fudd" by the
press due to a remarkable similarity in both looks
and voice, among other things) was a tax cutting
Democrat (yes, there are such things).  He cut the
taxes so much that last year a 5% accross the board
budget cut, some $246 million dollars, was required
for all state agencies.  The South Carolina State
Constitution requires a balanced budget.

Our new Governer, a Republican, has just announced
an additional 3.7% cut in funds, some $170 million
dollars.  This has placed public school education
in conflict with its own laws.  There is a state
regulation that requires a specific student to
teacher ratio be maintained in our classrooms.  Due
to this recent budget cut, funds are no longer
available to hire the teachers to maintain this

Our Governor's mansion will be closed for several
months, probably till June or July, due to lack of
funds to keep it open.  The Governor and his family
will be allowed to live in one wing, but will have
to do their own cooking and cleaning.  Food and
money, as well as cleaning services, are now being
donated to the Governor in order to help him get
through the next few months.  True!!!!

The High School graduation rate for South Carolina
has reached a new high of 65%!  Wow!!  This was
reported in the above issue of the State Newspaper.

On a musical note, yet another local orchestra has
undergone a political upheaval.  The long time
conductor has been fired, over the objections of
the players.  All players have been required to
re-audition for new positions.  The first horn
player, who had been there some eight years, was a
Farkas student, and has a DMA in horn performance
from Indiana University, lost her chair, and didn't
even make the section.  This is the fourth local
orchestra to undergo such a change in the last ten
years.  Oh for an effective Musician's Union in the

God, I wish I could get out of this place.

Have a nice day.

Wilbert (from you know where)
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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