Dear hornlisters,

     I am going out on a limb now, hold on.

Where was the U.N. when 1,000,000 people where massacred in Rwanda.  They were "on 
site" but did nothing-nada-zip!!! And now certain elements in Washington want to 
couple the U.N. in on the action in Iraq? I'm sure you know the expression "too many 
chefs spoil the soup". Furthermore, the U.N. should really be reconfigured to be 
called the United League of Democracies, whereby any nation that wants to be a member 
must be a true democracy. I share this out of respect to my fellow hornlisters-some 
will be offended! Osama is next!!! The current administration has prosecuted this war 
admirably.  I did not even vote for Bush.  As an "old-european" I am proud to call 
myself an American.

Merry Christmas and the best of the best to all of the hornlisters and their families 
and God bless America,

Giovanni :->


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