I attended the Kammermusik workshop in Sante Fe, NM last July and had a
wonderful experience.  It was primarily a workshop for woodwind quintet
but, besides opportunities to play in quintets, we played some music
all together in a large wind ensemble as well as in other small
ensembles. Mornings were scheduled with rehearsals for the large
ensemble, the quintets, octets, sectionals for each instrument and
private lessons with a pro. Stephanie Fauber is the horn instructor and
she is a fine player and a very good teacher.  There was ample time in
the afternoons to play music of our choice (there was a vast library at
our disposal).  We had a very good pianist available as well for music
that required a keyboard part. There were two concerts at the end of
the week, one just for us at the resort and another public performance
at an old restored church in Sante Fe.  The workshop is held at a very
nice resort just outside of Sante Fe with views of the mountains in
every direction. Food is excellent and the accomodations were really
very nice. I am planning to go again next year.  We did have the hoped
for number of horn players but I was told when I registered that it is
always hard to fill up the horn spots. Horns are always in demand.
I have also attended Kendall Betts horn camp for three years.  I highly
recommmend that camp as well.  I learned so much there each time I
attended and I plan to go back again.  It is quite different from the
woodwind workshop but each is unique in it's own way. My dilemma now
is, rather than choose between the two, how can I arrange to go to both
next summer!!

I live in Michigan and I know there is an adult band camp at Blue Lake
but I have never gone to that camp.  I think it is not quite a week in
duration but more like four days.  I know people who attended it though
and they really enjoyed it.  I don't have any specific information
about it but could get information if anyone is really interested.

Both Kammermusik and Kendall Betts Horn Camp have web sites for those
who want more information on these excellent summer opportunities.
Happy horn playing!
Sue Peeples

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