Given the interest and comment on this list back when the U.S. military
started using virtually bugles for funerals, I am surprised that no one has
brought up this, much creepier, item that was in the press over the
weekend. This is the link to the NY Times article, but I'm sure that a
search in the Internet for "trumpet" "robot" and "Toyota" ought to turn up
more citations.

Why Toyota is pouring millions of $ into the sort technology that enables a
machine to play "Trumpeter's Holiday" (a typo for Bugler's Holiday ?)
eludes me. The robotics part I get, but then applying it to doing something
that will never (I know this is controversial, but what the hey) be done as
well (and frankly doesn't need to be done at all) by a machine as has been
done by humans since man put lips to horn (conch, hollowed thigh bone,

It's a brave new world,

Peter Hirsch

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