To those out of school at young age & just practising horn:

Do you really think, practising horn for (say) three hours a day would
be enough to arrive at professional playing level, would be enough to
prepare oneself for the profession as a musician, do you ? 

I hope not. This would be not enough definitely.

A real study does work only, if the student is integrated into a musical
institute with regular lessons on the instrument, lessons in musical
history, musical harmony, basic composition technique, instrumental
science (about the different musical instruments), ethics, a bit
philosophy, esthetic, Italian language, general history, chamber music,
ensemble playing, orchestra playing, etc.

This is all necessary. And do not forget to build up other skills,
because you might not expect to make a living as a player in the
orchestra, just because you have passed the tests in your school &
graduated. This is definitely no guarantee for a job as musician.

It might be wise to take courses in pedagogy or music management as well
as to learn one of these music writing computer programs. Study music
means a full time job.

Playing loud:
It is a false assumption to play everything loud in the section to match
the first player. Your tuttist duty is it, TO SUPPORT THE FIRST VOICE
not to compete with the principal player. All the dynamic is RELATIVE to
piece, spot, room, acoustics, etc. If you have a little solo of one or
two measures, be happy to get it, but do never try to use it to push
yourself into the foreground.

It is also a typical false assumption, that one has TO BE HEARD. No, ONE
HAS TO INTEGRATE ONESELF into the ensemble & the ensemble as the whole
will be heard. If your sound penetrates this ensemble sound by your
obnoxious ignorant loud playing, you should build your own ensemble but
never torture any audience by your anti musical performance. You would
ruin the music.

Supporting the better players in the section or the more important
voices in the orchestra or on stage (singers) is a VIRTUE. You can go
ahead with your self realization WITHOUT thinking EGOCENTRIC all the

The performer is NOT the most important, but the composer is, the
creator of the piece.

Keep that in mind to survive as musician.

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548

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