-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 7:45 AM
Subject: [Hornlist] Re: Geschtopftmitscheist ?? 



Wendell "Schmendell" Rider wronged:


<< Dear fellow listers one and all- Merry Xmas and a Happy  Near Year!

Well, now we have a real mess brewing here. Maybe an  international  

incident. I'm very concerned about the two of you  canceling each  

other out. People disappear all the time. Stranger  things have  

happened! It would be a shame to lose both of you over  this. >>


Merry Xopprasch and a Happy Clamsaa to you too and sometimes it is best

horn players disappear especiallies during horn concertos or even

or band concerts because they did not make the practicings of  Kopprasch No.



<< I must also say that I have to disavow any  responsibility for the  

actions of my former student, Herr  Geschtopftmitscheist. He was an  

earnest, perhaps a bit obsessive lad  with a wild imagination. His  

broken home and subsequent lack of  monetary support caused him to  

rely on his street smarts to survive.  As you can see, his ability to  

read people and his charismatic  personality have taken him far from  

his humble beginnings. He used to  tell me stories and do my gardening  

to pay for his lessons. Frankly, I  never knew when he was telling the  

truth or if he knew what weeds were  but it didn't seem to matter. He  

had that kind of effect.  >>



NOW,  this is not me and you should have been knowing this  since the name

spelled differently and besides that, and as my prize pupil,  Kenny Betts, 

told you about me yesterday, my matriculations were  making in Bad Lippstadt

with Herr. Otto Fisch not in Sane Jose with  you.


<< I did start him out on Kopprasch, so perhaps there is some  blame for  

me to accept there. Really though, how could I know things  would go  

this far? Everyone needs to do Kopprasch! A lot of Kopprasch.  Kids  

nowadays just don't do enough Kopprasch. Its pathetic. Kids today  are  

wimps when it comes to Kopprasch. He had a similar fascination  with  

Bruckner, transcribing entire Masses for horn ensemble. The  problem  

with his many transcriptions is that they have no rests.   >>


NOW, yes, this is true, which shows that your credulances as a teacher  are 

vital but again, and the facts do not make liars of us all so the mostest,  

thoroughestest of studies of my Kopprasch with Herr Otto Fisch for 15  years

havings in Bad Lippstadt but I did also make some advanced studies of  Nos. 

2-10 with Oscar Franz, Franz Strauss, Oscar Strauss and Franz Oscar  due to

mother's close connections to them and I also studied all the Wagner  Tube 

concerti with the great Italian WT virtuoso Enrico Vongole when my train

delayed for a week one night in Milan many years ago and I have not the

been having to make transcriptions of Bruckner as I spend all of my  mostest

precioussest of free times looking anywheres and  everywheres for the long

symphonies, concertos,  operas, divertimentos, cassations, serenades,

masses,  marches, polkas, cake-walks and rags by our beloved Kopprasch!


<< A great part of his life was taken up with the search for the  Holy  

Mouthpiece. I know most of us have joined this Crusade at one  time or  

another but again Geschtopftmitscheist carried things a bit  too far,  

sometimes stalking people he thought might have the elusive  artifact.  

He came to me several times, almost accusing me of hoarding  a rare  

gold mouthpiece I had received from "the master"- saying that  he  

should have it because I wasn't using it. >>


NOW, again, this is all confusings of the realestest of issues as everyone  

who knows me knows that the Holy Mouthpiece, if it truly exists, is CHROME,

not gold, plated and it is the original Fisch PDC used by him in the world  

premiere of the now long lost Symphony No. 1, "der Schtooper" by C.
Kopprasch and 

the reason I say the Holy Mouthpiece's existences or nots  are discussed in 

the greatestest of lengths in the recent best seller, The  Da Vinci Clam.


<< He is, however, always willing to care for stray  horns, taking in  

many over the years. If you have a horn you don't  want that needs a  

good home, give him a call. His generosity to other  people has not  

been mentioned enough here either. Many of the problems  he faced in  

his life were brought about because he gave to much of  himself to  

others. I think we should all look upon his recent gifts to  us of the  

poem and the holiday as a cry for help and redemption. What  has  

happened here? Do we really understand the depth of this event?  Is  

there some way we can respond appropriately? Some day day we may  all  

look back on this with great reverence. Or not.   >>


Now, this is the onliest of resemblings of this "Geschtopftmitscheist" to

that you have made the mentionings of here.


<< As far as his  identity is concerned, if I told you, yes, I would have  

to be very  concerned about your safety. I think he has revealed much  

about  himself, perhaps too much. After all, on this Internet thing we  

call a  forum, are any of us who we present ourselves to be? Think  

about that  as we pass through the High Unholy Days of the Winter  

Solstice.   >>



Now, these are thoughts and we are all entitled to them but as to  internet 

safety, it is best, as in all of your endeavors, to take precautions if  you

to make the personal meetings with someone you meet on the  internet as it 

may turn out to be the police and not the horn instructor they  said they


<< Know that there is some truth in what I have said.   >>


Now, yes, but we hold these truths to be self-evidenced!


Seasonings Greetonings and Mostestest of  Defraudifications,




Prof. I. M.  Gestopftmitscheist

Principal 8th horn and Principal 4th Wagner Tuber,  Schplittenotendorf am 

Oedland Staatsoper und Philharmoniker, (ret.)

Solo  Horn, Bad Corner Brass Quintet

Hornist, Broken Winds WW  Quintet

Solo 4th Horn (Leader, call me for bookings), Smirnoff Horn  Quartet

Assistant Associate Principal Mellophone, NJ Turnpike Authority Drum  and 

Bugle Corps, "The Phantom Lane Changers" (summer only)

Hornist as Needed,  L'Ensemble du Chambre des Palourdes

Principal Natural Horn, I Soloisti di  Feces

Principal Baroque and Hunting Horn, Camarata Vongoleforte

Adjunct,  Part-time, Arms-length Professor of Horn and Pest Control, Exit 2 

Community  College, Exit 2, NJ (Ret.)

Adjunct, Part-time, Arms-length Professor of Horn,  Pest Control and Home 

Petroleum Studies, Northern New Hampshire Technical  Institute, Bad Corner,

Author, "The Kopprasch Connection," "Kopprasch for  Fun and Profit," 

"Kopprasch for the New Millenium: Where Do you Fit In?" "Hooked  on
Hornonics," and 

"What If Saddam Had Given Ouday and Qusay Olds Ambassador or  Conn Pan

Single F Horns and a Kopprasch Book Instead of AK 47's, Booze  and Porn?" 

Founder, Director and CEO, Universal Institute for the  Study, Preservation 

and Dissemination of Kopprasch Throughout the Solar  System

Founder and Guru Extraordinaire, Hornaholics Anonymous

Grand Poobah  of the Koppraschian Kult

Director and Program Manager, The All Kopprasch  Channel (AKC), Kopprasch 

Public Radio (KPR)

Host of The Kopprasch Factor on  AKC and All Kopprasch Considered on KPR

Founder of Kopprasch Depot, your one  stop shop for all you need!

Owner-Operator, Bad Corner Petroleum Laboratory,  " The Worlds Largest Valve

Oil Factory"

Founder and Disseminator of CLAMSAA,  the Universal Holiday for Horn Players

Interplanetarily Known Soloist and  Artist of Record

Exclusive Bundy, Carl Fischer, Olds Ambassador, Sansone and  Conn Artist Who

Does Not Get His Horns For Free

Phone: yes

Fax:  yes

E-mail: yes

Website: no


"It is one thing to show a man his clams and another to put him in  

possession of Kopprasch."



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