[HOT] Fwd: Re: [OSM-co] Resumen de Talk-co, Vol 105, Envío 2

2017-04-02 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Translation into English : "Hi We are mapping here: http://tareas.openstreetmap.co/project/46 With this imagery for now: http://bni.gov.co:8080/geoservicios/ortofotomosaicos/wms Here is where we coordinate: https://t.me/osmco Nico Vargas" Also look at other messages on

[HOT] Malaria Mapping YouthMappers Challenge Round 2

2017-04-02 Thread Russell Deffner
Greetings HOT Community, The second round of the youthmappers mapping challenge to eliminate malaria begins tomorrow (April 3). If you or someone you know is part of a youthmappers chapter anywhere in the world, please feel free to forward along this email. You do need to be an existing

[HOT] Mapeo para Mocoa, Colombia ?

2017-04-02 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hola, Hay un esfuerzo par mapear después de la avalancha en Mocoa, Colombia (mas de 230 muertos y muchos desaparecidos) ? http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2017/04/01/colombia-santos-decreta-el-estado-de-calamidad-publica-tras-tragedia-en-mocoa/ https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/1.1461/-76.6466