[HOT] Buildings in Chad

2017-07-14 Thread john whelan
I'm looking at Chad by bringing 10% of the country at a time. I'm seeing thousands of untagged ways most of which are buildings, far more than I would expect. If you're running a project in Chad that includes mapping buildings you may wish to check the map in a week or two as I continue to tag un

Re: [HOT] Disaster Routing

2017-07-14 Thread Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Thomas, This list of desktop software for OSM has several navigation / routing apps listed: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Software/Desktop I have used "Atlas" on that list and it was offline, desktop and served our use case. I am not sure how well it makes use of osm tags for impassable

Re: [HOT] Disaster Routing

2017-07-14 Thread Denis Carriere
Thomas, Have you looked into OSRM? It does provide a solid routing engine to be installed locally on your "offline" environment. http://project-osrm.org/ There's Docker instructions to quickly get up and running and tons of documentation of how to install it. Best of luck! *~~* *Denis Carr

Re: [HOT] Disaster Routing

2017-07-14 Thread Milo van der Linden
You might be able to use the disaster service API from a desktop GIS: https://disaster-api.openrouteservice.org/disaster1/routes?api_key=&coordinates=3.691406,7.536764%7C4.658203,8.233237%7C6.437988,7.547656&elevation=false&extra_info=surface%7Cwaytype%7Csuitability&geometry=true&geometry_format=ge

[HOT] Disaster Routing

2017-07-14 Thread Thomas Kandler
Dear HOT community, I would greatly appreciate input about the current state of disaster routing tools. Personally, I know the excellent disaster.openrouteservice.org, but that's about it. Are there any other (open source) tools capable of routing with a straight-forward obstruction/impassabl

[HOT] weeklyOSM #364 2017-07-04-2017-07-10

2017-07-14 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 364, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the openstreetmap world: http://www.weeklyosm.eu/en/archives/9249/ Enjoy! weeklyOSM? who?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages