Hi Mike,

You might like to see these three examples:
* http://ernoma.github.io/mapathon/SPR/
* http://ernoma.github.io/mapathon/SPR_Sept2016/
* http://ernoma.github.io/mapathon/april2016/

The first two examples contain contributions from almost only mapathon participants. The last one though includes statistics of contributions from people all over the world because there were a lot of people contributing after the earthquake in Ecuador.

The statistics are based on the Overpass API data collected in pretty much the way as Joost Schouppe suggested. When you use "out meta" mode in the query, it includes also usernames.

The code for above examples though not at all polished is also available: https://github.com/ernoma/ernoma.github.io/tree/master/mapathon (SPR_Sept2016 folder has the latest javascript file). Also, when collecting the data from a large area, I strongly suggest to install Overpass API on your own server.

Erno Mäkinen

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