Hi all,
I begun to trace the area looking at the tents and I found a lot of
structures with the colour red that are new.
See for example this one https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/340978118 on the
Airbus imagery.

It could be that they are tents but they look very squared to me, maybe too
As I found several of them I wonder if they are tents or maybe a piece of
metal that the people set up after the earthquake to stand under.
Do you think I should map it as a "spontaneous camp" too?

2015-04-27 18:42 GMT+02:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton <j...@arkemie.com>:

> Dear All,
> Thanks to CNES and Airbus Defence & Space, a Pleiades satellite image of
> Kathmendu taken today 2015-04-27 is available online from OSM France
> server, as well as an image taken on 2014-11-29 of the same area by the
> same satellite, to make before / after comparison easier.
> They are in use for task 1008 to map IDP camps, on which 28 mappers are
> currently active: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1008
> Both are available in visible and near-infrared (NIR) band combinations.
> They are available as WMS under the root
> http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/wms?
> and as TMS layers (URLs for JOSM):
> tms[23]:
> http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/kathmandu_pleiades_20150427/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> tms[23]:
> http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/kathmandu_pleiades_20150427_nir/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> tms[23]:
> http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/kathmandu_pleiades_20141129/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> tms[23]:
> http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/kathmandu_pleiades_20141129_nir/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> Use source=Pleiades 2015-04-27, CNES, Airbus DS
> or source=Pleiades 2014-11-29, CNES, Airbus DS
> They are licensed under the Web License for Non-Commercial Use with OSM
> <
> http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/airbus-ds/Web%20Licence%20for%20Non-Commercial%20Use%20with%20OSM.pdf
> >
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
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*Florian Lainez*
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