Hello HOTties,

The Activation WG meeting is set for 1430 UTC this Wednesday (5th October
2016) on IRC Chat [1], where we get together and discuss items related to
activating on behalf of HOT.

A lot of great items were discussed during the HOT Summit a couple weeks
ago and it would be great to continue them during the WG meeting to gain
traction and get them moving.

Similarly if you want to get involved and support the Activation for
Hurricane Matthew, or already are, we would like to hear more about it and
see where we can help, so please join the WG meeting!

The agenda for the meeting can be found on the Activation WG Trello board
[2]. Please add any other items you would like to see covered in the

Kind regards,


[1] https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.oftc.net/hot
[2] https://trello.com/b/ogU4Wjd6/hot-activation-wg

*Mhairi O'Hara*
Project Manager

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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