The Communications WG is meeting
Friday, April 3rd, at 20:00 UTC via Skype

Just like all our working groups, it is open to everyone to join and participate in. The main focus is communication to audiences outside the immediate HOT and OSM communities. If you have an interest in press relations, blogging, twittering, website building, etc, please visit the next meeting. Just send me an email with your skype name and I'll make sure you are included in the Friday meeting.


A full list of our working groups and their areas of interest can be found here:

Working groups are always glad to have people participate (new members especially) and if you would like to place something on the agenda of any of the working groups just send an email to this email list and someone will make sure it gets on the agenda for the next meeting or perhaps the meeting after next and let you know so you can attend.


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