Dear HOT Community,

Sunday 11 October marked 200 days since we declared the HOT Activaton to
support the global response to the coronavirus pandemic. Our Activation
Coordination Team has been incredibly busy engaging local governments,
non-governmental organizations, and local communities to support the
creation and use of geospatial data to inform decisions on how best to
address the crisis.

To date, we have led or supported mapping operations in 24 countries, with
a few other OSM communities doing similar work on their own. So far, 341
Tasking Manager projects have been created. These projects have relied on
over 16,000 contributors[0], likely including most of you reading this

Most importantly, this message is a thank you to everyone who has
contributed to the response so far! You have made a big impact for
communities around the world.

Geospatial data and maps are only tools for healthcare and aid workers to
plan and execute the delivery of services. Until there is a vaccine or cure
we will need to continue to do all we can to help slow the spread of this
terrible disease that has already impacted so many lives.

Now with over one million fatalities globally[1], and still thousands more
every day, I ask for your help again. We have more projects being
published[2] - including beginner-friendly ones - but also urgently need
intermediate and advanced mappers, and especially validators[3] to ensure
we are delivering the highest quality data we can muster. As it stands now,
about half of the 341 projects still need some level of effort to complete
and at the current rate of progress (about 85% of one project is completed
each day) it will take the community roughly another 200 days to finish -
and that is without identifying further needs or receiving additional
requests for help.

We all want this pandemic to be over, and you can make a tangible
difference in minimizing its impact... by mapping! If you don’t have time
to map, do not overlook the assistance you can provide from your phone with
Mapswipe[4]! When you’re standing in line - or maybe more with the times,
waiting for your order to arrive - jump on to Mapswipe and help us
determine where there are areas in need of a Tasking Manager project! Thank
you again, so much, for your time and effort to combat the COVID-19


[0] Frequently updated stats:
[1] The Coronavirus App:
[2] The Tasking Manager:
[3] So you want to validate? Form:
[4] Mapswipe website:

*Russell Deffner*

*Disaster Response Coordinator+*
*OpenStreetMap: russdeffner | +8 UTC*

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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