I'm reaching out to ask if anyone is interested in helping out on a project
to microtask the mapping of all logging roads in the Congo Basin.  I
realize this is not traditional disaster response; however, there's a good
amount of overlap with tech needs (microtasked editing tools and whatnot)
and purpose (protecting environmental resources and locally affected

The project is a joint initiative between CrowdCover and the World
Resources Institute.  The intent is to map and timestamp all logging roads
in the Congo Basin (DRC, CAR, Congo Brazzaville, Cameroon, Gabon, and
Equatorial Guinea), using road data provided by WRI and satellite imagery
mosaics from University of Maryland and others.  If it's successful, it
could provide a detailed profile of logging activity--both legal and
illegal--at a fine granular level.

We prototyped this at an EcoHack last Spring in New York City.  If you're
interested, read our blog post
<http://rdc.moabi.org/EcoHacking-DRC-Logging-Roads/en/> about it.

We're hoping to hire someone part time to help with the project, including:

* acting as a go-between with the OSM data working group
* advising on data conflation issues
* deploying and possibly customizing an instance of the tasking manager
* advising on tagging schema
* general advising on management of microtasked OSM projects

If anyone has questions or is interested, please reply or reach out
directly to me at jamesconkl...@crowdcover.org .  Thanks.

James Conkling
Cartographer | CrowdCover LLC
2001 S St, NW, Washington DC, 20009
@jamesconkling | skype: james.lane.conkling
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