Dear Friends,

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)  is leading a community focused
software development project to design, specify, develop and release
the next generation of its OSM Tasking Manager 2.0 (TM2) software.
With the generous support of the USAID GeoCenter, experts in the use
of geospatial tools and analysis in a humanitarian context, HOT will
be able to lead a community driven project, in collaboration with some
of the best open source geospatial designers and developers in the
world to produce a user friendly Tasking Manager 3.0 that is focused
on engaging users to better connect them to the OSM community.

The project is OSM community focused and we are looking forward to
involving as many OSM users and skilled designers, coders and system
admin community members as possible. The Tech Challenge we are issuing
is designed for collaboration to deliver the final project. If you
think you have some needed skills to contribute, you are encouraged to
apply, individuals, 2 person teams, companies, or consortia. You will
be working directly with the Tasking Manager stakeholders throughout
the process to support you in and agile, collaborative development

The existing Tasking Manager 2.0 version of the software has been used
by many organizations and 10's of thousands of people to put about 30
million people on the map just in the past 2 years.

Think about the impact of that for a moment, 30 million lives touched
for the better in some small ways by a software package.

You and your colleagues in the international OpenStreetMap (OSM)
community have really put the software to the test and pushed its
limits while making a difference in people's lives.

The overall increase in usage and the new and innovative ways people
are using the software have helped identify a number of areas that
need adjustments and improvements.

Through a community driven process we will develop and implement
significant improvements to functionality of TM2 organized around the
5 key goals for the project, UI/UX improvements, better mapper
engagement, improved project creation and management tools, validation
and exposing a complete API.

A full description of the Tasking Manager 3 project objectives and
methods can be found in the project Terms of Reference here:

Comments on that document are open and welcome, please leave any
thoughts or comments on it!

A HOT "Tech Challenge" has been released to find the right team of
folks to make the most of this opportunity through their skills and
experience in OSM, design, community engagement, and code.

There are many ways for the community to contribute throughout the
process. We will have early and often builds for testing and many
channels for feedback.

First of all, if you have contributed any comment via the HOT email
list about the Tasking Manager, your experiences, new mappers,
validation, project design, etc, thank you, thank you! We have already
started incorporating those comments into the project. Please keep
them coming. Same thing applies to already filed GitHub issues, thank
you so much, those are what we are working from as well. Now is a good
time to go back to GitHub and look for any issues you have filed and
update them if you have any new insights or ideas.

Join a working group is also a great way to be more directly involved.
The Tech Working Group will be heavily involved with the back end
version control, github and deployments, but the Training Working
Group is already playing a huge role in UI, mapper engagement, project
creation, etc. and that is just going to continue I hope. I as Project
Manager will be at all of their meetings to keep them up-to-date and
get their input on every part of the project and after the project as
a TrWG member :)

Attend community meetings on mumble. We will have several voice based
community meetings on HOT's Mumble server throughout the project.

The 2 co-equal  channels for high involvement or closely tracking
progress, you have to sign in, but it is worth it:
HOT Slack -
HOT's GitHub -

No sign in required for:
IRC: channel: HOT
Working Group Meetings
Skype if you already use it (mention it is TM3 related :)

I am HOT's overall Project Manager for the Tasking Manager 3
development process, please contact me anytime if you have any
comment, feedback or questions.

Please meet Ethan Nelson ( ) he has
been a leading volunteer in the HOT dev community for the Tasking
Manager. This project is already off to a great start because of the
time and effort Ethan and others have put into the Tasking Manager for
the past year and a half. Our software and discussions can tend to
focus on mappers, validators and project creators, but the back end
development and systems volunteers keep this place going so we can all
do what we do best.

I encourage everyone meet (most of) the back-end collaborators via the
HOT github repository:

You might be surprised to see who all helps via the back end systems.
If you ever wanted to get more in to contributing to open source
software projects, documentation, translation, feedback directly to
developers, graphics, UI, code (js, java, python, shell) etc HOT's
github is a great way to do that. There are opportunities in all those
areas to make significant contributions. And you will be volunteering
along side some of the best open geo spatial developers in the world
to help you along the way.

Signing up for and just glancing at the issues for
the Tasking Manager 2 software is a very easy way to increase the
impact of your mapping and other activities on the development side of

Thank you very much to everyone who has contributed to this topic over
the past 2 years. We have read literally every email, github issue,
document and analysis given to us during that time and will be relying
on them and the discussions to come as we develop the next awesome
version of the OSM Tasking Manager. We are very glad you are all a
part of it!

Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

HOT mailing list

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