Greetings HOT community,


After initial size-up last night, we have today received a request from
UNOSAT and have decided to Activate to fulfill that request for buildings in
the area of impact from the Iran-Iraq Earthquake.  The USGS recorded it as a
7.3 magnitude around 1800 UTC yesterday (Nov 12th). Since initial reports,
the PAGER report
<>  has
been upgraded to a red alert for significant casualties.


Unfortunately, much of the area that is populated is rather dense and
difficult mapping so we are going to utilize the TM3 functionality to
restrict to intermediate or advanced mappers. To become an intermediate
and/or advanced mapping, keep mapping and you'll get the status as you
progress.  Head to to help map!


To become an Activator and be part of the coordination, visit: and start the Activation Essentials course.


Best regards,



Russell Deffner

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) <> 




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