HOT In Person Board Meeting - Day 3 summary

In our last day of face-to-face board discussions we covered a final set of
topics and brought things to a close while aiming to maintain our momentum.


1 HOT projects definition
2 Working Groups
3 Community engagement
4 Strategy plan
5 Conflict of interest discussion
6 Building a positive dialogue and resolving contentious issues
7 Owners/Actions going forwards

As a follow-up to our previous days discussion, we worked on HOT projects
definition, and progressed towards ideas of a checklist or assessment
document template for HOT projects. We defined some categories, thought
about community run projects or projects funded by other organisations, and
discussed whether and how they use the HOT name. There are still many
details to flesh out related to that, and all of these aspects will be
discussed and co-built by the membership. Harry and Heather will host a
community working group meeting.

In a parallel break-out group we enumerated our working groups, their
current status, and next actions for each of them. We assigned a board
member for each working group to facilitate these next actions. And, we
will be asking for community leadership help to make these a success.

Community is the most important part of HOT. We built on the community
sprints and considered actions to support community engagement, why people
join HOT and ways to help people (inside and outside the
community/membership) get involved. We are stronger collaborating together.
In the next community working group, we'll ask you more about how we can
build a healthy space and invite for collaboration on items that are fun
for you while making HOT great.

Rather than writing a strategy document in our meeting, we quickly made a
list of the kind of goals which would be included in a document, and
planned out a timeline for consulting with the HOT volunteers on preparing
this document. This is because we consider it to be a document which should
be owned by the community.

We discussed some matters of conflict of interest concerning specific
projects and positions.

In an intense discussion around resolving community conflict, we cleared
the air on a few matters and agreed various ways in which we as a board can
conduct ourselves to help in resolving conflict. In particular we agreed
that all board members should aim to be "agents of de-escalation". We shall
always try to avoid escalating conflicts on the mailing list (and we would
very much welcome others to follow our lead in this).

We had a wrap up session, but with a very explicit aim to maintain our
momentum and carry forward the goals and the enthusiasm we are currently
feeling. We identified a set of actions items for the coming weeks.

HOT's in person board meeting was 3 full days of intense discussions,
delivering plans, creating content and planning for the future. Gunner
facilitated us with his positive ally feedback while giving us the space to
learn from each other while we considered all aspects of HOT. We are very
grateful for his amazing contribution to HOT. While you may not have met
him yet, he really is an honorary HOTtie. We cannot thank him and
Aspiration Tech enough!
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