Dear friends,

Here is a list of HOT Working Group meetings this week. All of them
are looking for members and the start of the new year is a great time
to join one!

Monday - Training WG - 19:00 UTC - HOT's Mumble Server

Tuesday - Governance WG - 18:00 UTC - Skype (email for invite)

Wednesday - Fundraising WG - 17:00 UTC - Skype (email
for invite)

Thursday - HOT Summit WG - 15:00 UTC - Skype (email
for invite)

Friday - Activation WG - 14:00 UTC - HOT's Slack/IRC #HOT

PLEASE NOTE: Local Time Changes for Daylight Saving Time just happened
this weekend in much of the world. Existing Working Group members
should note their local time for a meeting has probably changed if you
changed your clocks this past weekend. All working group meetings are
scheduled in UTC which never changes, but the time of the meeting in
your local time has probably changed as a result, please double check.
Working groups can easily re-schedule if needed to keep local times
the same as before, but the time listed on the WG calendar needs to be
in UTC.


HOT's Working Groups are open, cooperative places to support HOT and
OSM in ways beyond mapping. They are a great opportunity to use skills
you already have for humanitarian work, or learn new skills and gain

Everyone is invited to join a HOT Working Group and commit a few hours
of your volunteer time each month to building HOT, OSM and local
communities around the world in new and different ways.

Joining a working group is just as simple as showing up to one of the
regular meetings and finding out how you can lend a hand!

HOT Working Group Calendar (all times in UTC):

A brief description of each Working Group:

Any questions at all about Working Groups or help joining one, just


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

HOT mailing list

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