Greetings everyone,


Centered around the initial idea that became the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap
Team (HOT) was 'activating' the global volunteer network to respond to
crisis, anywhere, anytime. Whether it be forces of nature or man-made
disaster, we can and would contribute to a robust basemap for response and
aid organizations to utilize in planning, logistics and execution of life
saving and life sustaining operations. Dale Kunce, of the American Red Cross
- International Disaster Services, and Voting Member of HOT gave a great,
short presentation at State of the Map - Detroit last weekend. I hope you'll
take a moment to watch: 


This is one of the best 'packaged' descriptions of why we 'do what we do',
over and over - because somehow we haven't figured out how to stop disasters
from happening - that I have ever seen. Thank you Dale! It is always
difficult to get the response and aid orgs to tell us how they use OSM
during/after an incident and here you tell many of those stories in one.


If you're still reading, you must be interested in the disaster services
that HOT provide. So, I invite you to join the next meeting of the
Activation Working group, tomorrow (October 12) at 1400UTC on IRC #hot
channel (or #hot_irc_channel on Slack) to learn more. Ahead of time, and if
you want to be a member of the AWG, please visit:
- take the Activation Essentials course and the optional endorsement to join
the mailing list and roster. Activation coordination is fairly easy, if done
in a relatively coordinated fashion and the courses and working group are
your entry to the coordination team.


Hope to 'see' you tomorrow,



Russell Deffner

Voting Member, Contractor, Disaster Mapping Coordinator

Email: <> 

OSM/Skype: russdeffner

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