Just saw this form Eugene on the TalkPh Osm Mail List

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alex Barth <a...@mapbox.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:56 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] High res DigitalGlobe imagery open for tracing through
Mapbox Satellite
To: Talk <t...@openstreetmap.org>
Cc: Kevin Bullock <kbull...@digitalglobe.com>

Effective immediately the Mapbox Satellite option in iD and JOSM is 100%
open for tracing in OpenStreetMap, including all our high resolution
DigitalGlobe imagery. This is full coverage down to zoom level 19 imagery
in the US + Western Europe and world wide to zoom level 17.

To use this imagery select "Mapbox Satellite" from the imagery menu in iD
on the web or in JOSM. Mapbox Satellite is open for tracing in
OpenStreetMap in general and not tied to a specific editor, so if you would
like to add Mapbox Satellite to another OpenStreetMap editor you are
welcome to do so.

Big props to Kevin Bullock (cc'ed) and our friends at DigitalGlobe - it's
fantastic working with good people who see wins of working with


PS - on an existing installation of JOSM you'll have to refresh your
imagery menu like so: http://cl.ly/image/383O2L0t431s


Mark Cupitt

"If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"

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