Hi all,

Actual updates from Robert will be forthcoming, but from my perspective:

OSM data is being used in real time by the Disaster Management Center
of Sri Lanka, the government response agency. Many parts of the Sri
Lankan government and their humanitarian partners already know OSM
data, its quality and how to work with it.

NASA offered  2 days ago to let us contribute needs for targetting the
EO-1 satellite while it passed over Sri Lanka today, but after 24
hours of HOT trying hard to get the too large AOI narrowed down, it
was just not possible.

This is a large scale disaster and the DMC is working on multiple
scales, but the part they have asked us to work on is the large scale,
high detail and quality. That means we need to get a lot of buildings

We set a goal of getting http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1914 done
today, 34% now. If you could please push this to your social networks,
friends family. If you could get 1 new person to map you would be
doubling your impact today and every crisis going forward.

#SriLankaFloods very large AOI to cover, building footprints needed.
Please map and share, we need crowds http://tasks.hotosm.org/

#SriLankaFloods still needs @openstreetmap data. If possible, please
map some buildings from our Tasking Manager http://tasks.hotosm.org

HOT is activating to support relief in Sri Lanka, if you have a few
moments, please visit http://tasks.hotosm.org

Floods are well known to be difficult to generate interest in, please
help spread the word and impotence and tools that people can help in
Sri Lanka from home.

Lets get 1914 done!

Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact: i...@hotosm.org

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