
Just a quick summary as we approach the year end - feel free to join us using any of the links below. All are welcome!

Over the course of the past year the Training Working Group (TrWG) has been involved in a variety of initiatives. The purpose of this email is to share information and provide updates so that the wider HOT community is aware of our work. The TrWG meets every other week on Mondays at 19:00 UTC on Mumble (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mumble). Please feel free to join us at any time.

Early in 2016 a Trello board was created to manage the group’s activities. You can view a list of TrWG projects on Trello: https://trello.com/b/ZYzEoama/hot-training-wg. One of the main resources used by the TrWG is the LearnOSM (www.learnosm.og <http://www.learnosm.og>) web site, which is maintained by Nick Allen. Since January our completed projects include developing backup capability and refining the documentation for LearnOSM & Transifex processes, updating a LearnOSM Module with full workflow and setting up a LearnOSM staging site.

Numerous individual pages in LearnOSM have been created and edited by members of the TrWG. Included in this are the OSM Tasking Manager Project Admin page, the JOSM - Adding Aerial Imagery page, and the Mapathon/Event Management Guide. Ongoing projects include translation of the LearnOSM documents, edits and reviews of other LearnOSM pages and issues related to overall training.

A heuristic evaluation of usability of the LearnOSM web site as well as an analysis of the log files was prepared. As a result a site map was added, which will improve the LearnOSM site’s positioning in search engine results.

The training for the Activation Working Group continues at the HOT Training Centre (http://courses.hotosm.org/), for review and revision the content is being migrated over to GitBooks (https://bgirardot.gitbooks.io/hotosm-activation-curriculum/content/). Discussions on future use of the Training Centre, which uses the elearning content management system Moodle continue.

Feedback from those who engage in mapathons has provided the TrWG with excellent insight into issues experienced with respect to new mappers, tagging, using iD, the potential need for instructions in other editors and the validation process. Discussions and suggested solutions continue on how best to resolve this include the use of training materials in mapathons, certification for validators and changes to the tasking manager (which can be added directly by using the list maintained here: https://github.com/hotosm/osm-tasking-manager2/issues).

There is a little more info on our wiki page athttp://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Team/Working_groups/Training

We welcome your input and look forward to continued progress in 2017.


The Training Working Group.

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