Regards to all list members!

I'm one of a group of cartography students from Germany. One of the courses in our master program deals with OSM mapping of the Region West in Camerun. We're aiming on two things: Final goal no. 1 is to fill gaps and correct existing routes and their attributes mainly based on satellite imagery. Secondly, goal no. 2 is a final one, too, but contains basic work prior to our mapping process: We want to find or develop tagging standards for Camerun which shall finally become available at the OSM-page "Tagging guidelines by country".

So we're all together 15 students that start working on the road network. BUT that's important for us:

1. We would like to get in contact with mappers who have already worked on that before or doing it right now. We would like to share experiences in order to avoid working and discussing on things that others have already done or that has been already discussed. And of course: We want to avoid interfering with mapping activities that are going on right now in that region, but rather combine our efforts for the next few weeks in order to produce a consistent output.

2. On which basis have the existing routes been tagged before? Where there specific agreements for Camerun? What about the usability of the criteria proposed on the "Highway Tag Africa"-page in the OSM-Wiki which is initiated by HOT? What about the usability of "Référentiel Géographique Routier" which can be seen on

Finally, we would like our contributions to be substantial in order to develop a standardized and reliable geoinformational fundament on which further mapping can be consistantly conducted. So we're looking forward to any advices!

Best regards from Germany! kamak

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